Maggie Spillover, part 3 ローレン・サイ、クリスマスの夜の不思議な物語。

(It's like Vogue Japan made a trailer for the next Maggie book.)

The last Maggie post became wonky—blogger can only handle so many posts. Thank you all so much for engaging so heartily in conjecture over these characters. It thrills me endlessly!

A jumping off point?—sure. In the previous comment thread, 2B2h asked about the TV series Easy, and my thoughts on 3-act structures: I like Easy because it doesn't use a structure to force emotional points. It takes the time necessary to get there. I love that. This Maggie series was really about how I could get Max to admit his greatest fear and then bring that to fruition by having Maggie unwittingly doing just that without realizing it, even after she'd done it. And for the reader not to hate her guts. I think I did it (though some of you are angered by her), but it took me 250k words, and without armature. Easy has a slow and voyeuristic style that invests heavily in characters to sell story and I need many more seasons. Or maybe not, sometimes it hurts my stomach to invest in stories like these; I don't know how you people do it, ha ha.

Other cuckold stories in media I've come across recently:

Cujo. Yeah, the one with the dog. That's a book about a cheating wife and the punishment she wrought. Man, it was a stomach-hurter. I don't know if you've heard of this Stephen King guy, but boy, he's good.

And the weirdest one?—Backcountry, which is available on Netflix. [SPOILER ALERT] Basically, the most convoluted cuckold story I've encountered. Guy takes girl in woods to propose, he over-estimates his camp-craft, they meet a capable Irish guy who is so hung the girl can see his dick from behind while he's peeing, even though he's wearing pants (::eyeroll:: what is this?—one of my stories?). Spoiler wariness prevents me from continuing, but I'll say it's a horror cuckold story where the cuckold is punished by having his viscera removed by bear claws while he screams hysterically. Boy, and some people think cock-cage stories are extreme ...


  1. Any updates on upcoming releases? No impatience at all, but inspiring powerful curiosity over more stories is the curse of a good writer.

    1. Oh thats good Glaucon...
      and totally agree with it.
      So when's the next book again?

    2. Looks like Wednesday will see some new work published. It's a surprise. Not Maggie (sorry!) and not Happy Endings ...

    3. This is exciting! Care to divulge the title? I can respect if it gives away the surprise.

      I'm always fishing for morsels, I know ... 😇

    4. Almost the first of the month, so rent is due. Plus!—further entanglements ...

    5. Yes! I love cryptic KT, she's probably my favorite one!

    6. Oh Charlie where art thou??

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Not really that cryptic .... Hope when you have enough content in this series, there will be a paperback collection. (I know, I know, always the paperback pest -- but I do buy 'em! All of 'em!)

    9. Well, all except the "Maggie" PBs ... so far. But that's only because I'm waiting for the complete opus to be available, whereupon I intend to buy and read the entire thing at once.

    10. Ok, well Anon isn't convinced It's comment was very cryptic, but if others will indulge me, here are the three degrees of "entanglements" in the Reza saga,

      1st. The job with the Korean company falls through, growing the debt!
      2nd. Reza wants to spend time with Charlie on more than one occasion.
      3rd degree, of course, is a little Charlie!

      I like that KT answered my question in a riddle. I know you're preoccupied with actually writing and life, but it's more fun this way!

    11. I'm very excited for this one. I love these stories the most when the girl starts to like it but the action itself can still be explained away under the veil of an outside influence. 2nd book had a bit of that but it was missing the details!

    12. 2b2h on number 2:
      Would that be the result of a rent increase?
      Has anyone seen my Charlie? She was laying around her somswhere
      Now idk where she's at...!
      Like the out of sight and total angst about what she's up too..while she's out of sight. Made that last installment sweet for me.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Ha me too, imagination goes wild in that situation.

      On that number 2, I like that thought, I was thinking more because Reza and Charlie are getting closer.

    15. anyone else refreshing KT's newest arrivals searches all day today?

      No? Me neither ...

    16. Sorry! Not even uploaded yet ... will go up later today, trying to deal with mac updates right now ...

    17. Should be live any minute now!

  2. Initial thoughts -

    That Vogue ad as a trailer for the next book - First of all, thanks for the intrigue again KT, and here I go with some more baseless predictions. Maggie's alone, which makes sense as it relates to Max, because obviously they didn't end well at the end of the last book. I was thinking about it more, and I want to reiterate that I think Maggie would rightly be upset with Max that he has been lying to her, so between the affianced couple, there will be a lull where the both of them are figuring things out, separate from each other. What makes less sense right now is why Cole would be leaving her alone. Maybe Max says something that turns Maggie off from him, or maybe Maggie just wants to shut Cole out because Max is upset about what the two of them did/have done.

    I think the knock on the door is hinting that Cole will be making a forgiveness pitch (with hot results we can rightly assume). I mean it has to be, it would be boring if, in these kinds of stories, KT makes us pay attention to this trailer and the most mysterious part at the end of it is just her pointing out that Max will surprise Maggie to try to make things up to her. I hope it's Cole. These are the kinds of thoughts that get my heart racing in anticipation of the next KT story. John, we all know what you're gonna say, and no it's not the Professor ... haha, JK!!

    On Max's worst fears - to me what KT said came across. I never expressly stated my thoughts on this particular moment, but Maggie mocking Max when she was handling Cole was not intended to harm him. I think she was genuinely laughing in a teasing way that couples always do, she is being naive about how that would come across if Max ever found out (and even Cole pointed it out to her), but I'm still on my 'intentions matter' kick. If Max were to have seen that behavior, it wouldn't have gone over well, but that's because he doesn't really want them to do what they're doing. Mocking him wouldn't be a joke, but Maggie doesn't know Max doesn't like what she's doing with Cole. You all know my stance that Maggie is operating under the assumption that getting with Cole whenever she wants has permission, so the two elements of Max's biggest fear are being unintentionally realized. I love that personally, mostly because I buy it. You've touched on a major reason for my enjoyment of the story.

    Easy - thanks for that little paragraph of thought, KT.

    Backcountry - cuckold or not cuckold, I legitimately want to watch this movie. Definitely up my alley. Obviously, I'm a fan of the dark ending, and this has the makings (I may or may not have had it spoiled by your paragraph, but you did stop from explaining everything).

    1. I get your point on Maggie not knowing that she's inflicting pain (I think she got the notice though). I also agree with most of what your saying here about unintended consequences. The rub is max detailed out to her the three things that would wound him..the issue for me is Maggie not remembering or considering them when she deliberately broke them (or maybe did for a little womanly payback for his deceptions).
      The bigger problem is Max not saying "ouch!" When she did. Again she doesn't meet resistance so she just keeps on rolling. At some point they all got to wonder "wtf are we doing?"
      Is Cole really prepared to be the next in line for Maggie's hand could he handle that sudden shift from play to stay. Or Maggie having to answer to everyone; at college, home, some businesses partners, relatives both sides and on down the line knew it was supposed to be max. She could blame it all on max. Or herself but what I really think she needs to do is get away from it all with a trip to waikiki..
      "Why professor Carmichael what are you doing on this flight? I had no idea?"
      "No my dear but I did?"

  3. Tb2H...I agree I can see Maggie isolating herself from Cole in the immediate aftermath of what happens with Max...kind of a punishment for her behavior and the consequences. Also maybe as a way to try and win back Max. But I also agree that Cole would not leave her alone for long, and I don't think Maggie is ready to give him up yet. So if he comes a knockin, that hotel room will be a rockin' soon...

    A horror cuckold story? I suppose all cuckold stories are horror stories from a certain perspective. But I'll have to pull that one up on Netflix.

    1. Do you think they separate before or after they visit home? I think it would have to be afterwards, because there's no way Mr. and Mrs. Becker would like to be told that they can't go home, and they have important matters to attend to, wedding-wise.

      Maybe what this is hinting at is Maggie is stuck in her room alone back at the Becker's, because mom and dad apparently can't handle their daughter rooming with her future husband, not that she's particularly enthused to see him at the moment (or Cole for that matter). She's stuck in her room, bored? Anxious? Listless? And there's a knock on the door, someone doesn't care about hallway cameras ... Cole?

      Basically I'm trying to envision a scenario where Cole and Maggie are in a room, alone.

    2. Im thinking before...too much drama already than to show up with out a fianc'e and her ring...but show up with the best man.

      Better to show up alone and try an talk it out. Or wait it out or maybe just cancel it altogether and do what all college kids do when stressed out ...
      R o a d t r i p!!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. John, that is really interesting. Maybe it IS before, and Maggie and Cole just go back so Maggie doesn't have to face her parents if she doesn't show, despite the fact that the wedding might be off, and at least 2/3rds of what the Becker's had planned could be carried out. Maggie and Cole can use each other's help to play along.

      Or maybe Maggie goes home by herself. Max is busy with school, she xan say, and Cole has lacrosse workouts. That would make sense why she would be so bored ... and desperate for a knock on the door.

    5. Hmm I can't help feeling the more we ponder on this the more into the weeds we go. One thing I'm learning is to try and stay away from starting my sentences with "Maybe"
      In this case the possibility could be may drop everything to help sis out. But I just don't know where Maggie's heart is at. she seemed genuinely upset at the ring pull. At least max didn't make it a ring toss too (That we know of).
      Between max and Cole who is the better man for her long term...? Which one 20 years from now will still be married to her?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just finished watching "back country". Very intense camping scene. Wonder if he finally got the the fiction part.
    He did provide a lot of "fish". While she prepared his potatoes. Meanwhile the bf could hold onto his peas and carrot for another night. I dont think this spoils anything. Sorry if it does.
    Very interesting differences from movies based on a true story to those labeled true story. Topic for another day perhaps.

  6. Just finished back country. Very intense camping scene. Got more perspective on it for later when others have chimed in..
    Tried to opinionate on it earlier with a fail on the publish button..oh well network is a little laggy.

  7. Replies
    1. Was this a cuck movie to you guys? This seemed more like a prison escape film, a film where the woman final escapes the clutches of her stupid husband's poor decision making.

      "I did this route a bunch of times ... like ... in high school"

      Bear food.

    2. I've never seen it, I don't think so though. I was saddened to learn that it's based off a true story but the facts were twisted to portray the husband as an idiot. Apparently the wife is the one who is attacked by the bear and the husband launches himself at it, stabbing it death with a knife.

    3. About the Cucking...did you see how much fish that dude landed on her table, , and he made sure Jen prepared only his potatoes, Mr bear shit could hang onto his peas and carrot until he's done and gone. At least she got the ring....unlike maggie.

      Yea as a movie based on a true event found it entertaining enough... laughed my ass off when she was just ripping him a new one..."let's be honest here YOU'RE A TOTAL FUCKING LOSER!!" why did you drag my ass all the way out here to this place I'm never wanted to go to.....

      The actual story was much more romantic I thought. husband was given a medal for bravery and by the way it wasn't a knife(there's a measurement distinction between them Not sure if it's 2 or 3 inches) it was a pocket knife and it required 300 stiches to put him back togsther.
      It's a small detail but when your think of a knife I might think bowe but a pocket knife I think Swiss army type . Now there's a bigger balls than brains in the equation.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. He stabs the bear to death with a sharp metal object then carries his wife away but she bleeds out. Pretty sad story.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Yeah, I was pretty enamored by the 'true events' tag and was saddened by the actual heroism of the husband trying to defend his wife to the end. 180 degree difference from the well intentioned buffoonery that this Jeff character displayed.

    8. Agree--it's a tremendous stretch to say this movie was based on actual events. This read like one of my stories, only I wouldn't kill the husband. He'd be trapped in a narrow rock cut and she escapes to find help. Irish guy is willing but wants payment up front; she's reluctant, of course, they just got engaged, but she'll do what it takes. I mean, he also caught all those fish and everything ...

    9. That would have been a much better story...and your right the movie and the real story are nothing alike. I was curious and looked up bear attacks and found a list over last several decades of attacks with brief description. The movie seems like it was more a conglomeration of several different attacks ..or bear attacks have a lot of the same themes.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. I didn't think the male character really seemed like one KT would write, I feel like KT wouldn't have made Jeff such an asshole. I feel like her male characters are accused of being a smidge too sad, too passive, but they wouldn't purposely keep a fiance's phone away from her, or blame her for inviting the weirdo to their camp, as if she could possibly know what he'd be like!

      That said, I appreciate what the author herself actually says about how she would handle the story, ha.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Tried to leave a link to a music video ... I just thought I would share to the crew. alt-J's Pleader official video. I'll just leave the url below in case ya'll want to give it a view.

    1. Apparently the link works in my email notification of this post.

      I'm learning things.

    2. There was a moment in this video when the decorations on the shelves of the wife and husband character start rattling from the approaching villagers. Reminded me of Duo's approach in Sanctity. :)

    3. Thank you for that (wipes eyes)--that was gripping ...

  10. See that green jacket the pretty girl in the video is wearing? That's Max's. He likes fancy clothes. That him knocking, he wants it back.

  11. While we wait for the final part to be released I figure I would throw out a topic that may be worth having. Do you read much into Maggie feeling like she may in a "bigger league" based on her experiences with Cole (and Jay)? Will that last? If it doesn't last, will it be Cole that lets her down, or will she realize that Max had treated her how she deserves and come back around? This question is rooted in the premise that Cole, Max, and Maggie are equally good (bad) people, which would obviously influence any of the things people say in this story. For instance, it's hard to imagine anyone would feel like it matters how Cole makes Maggie feel if Cole is, to them, the worst of all assholes.

    I just think I've seen a lot to demonstrate that Maggie is reaching new levels, that maybe she's becoming more like a (hopefully more benevolent) Carol. However, a lot of this could be a consequence of the newness of what she's experiencing. Everyone is in a surprised state with Maggie, Cole is learning a lot, Max is learning a lot, her roommate just had an awakening, people on campus are taking in new information. What happens when this situation becomes the status quo? I think there will be a karmic leveler for her. Sure she got off to Jess catching her in the act with Cole, what a thrill. What if it happens again? Who cares Maggie? We get it you, you and Cole fuck. She gets to hang around Cole, but how does she explain Max not being around? Then obviously there's mom and dad ... "Maggie, why do you get so close to Cole?" Maggie might be experiencing her second "coming down to Earth" moment already with Max taking the ring, the first being Jay's wrath. As that continues, does that change how she sees Cole?

    I can just as easily see Cole impressing her as the world's view of her continues its evolution. Despite what others may believe, I think he has more potential than Max and I'm not just talking about the main events in our stories. At the risk of repeating myself, I'll just leave it there, but I think Cole and Maggie have a future, as I currently see Cole.

    1. Not sure about her feelings. Its what is perplexing about this story. At least in both lhw series we know the wives had something to gain or desire.
      What maggie gains or has gained is a mystery to me.

      Breaking it down furthur i try and figuire out does she genuinely love max..i think she does and she is acting in a manner that she thinks he wants her to. Cole may not be husband material but he is certainly bedroom material. And the the theme seems to be shes not married yet. Also rhe fact that max told her what hurts him but doesnt follow thru with "ouch" when she does.

      Which also begs the question what does cole have to gain. Is maggie his goal or her parents specifically daddy and his connections.

      Is it just simply they are just a bunch of kids playing with fire and oops they burned the house down. That may work for max and maggie.but not a player like cole.

      As i said before i dont care who maggie ends up with(come on prof Carmichael) as long as i can connect the dots. Even if she gets either and we get an epilogue of regret she didnt take the other...
      I do believe shes in love with max maybe cole will
      Convince her otherwise.
      I see cole more selfish in it to win it for himself but he grew to care about maggie. So far maggie has been using cole for sex not affection like with max. Maybe its why kt hasnt communicated with her as maggie was trying to figuire what she wanted.

    2. Not sure about her feelings. Its what is perplexing about this story. At least in both lhw series we know the wives had something to gain or desire.
      What maggie gains or has gained is a mystery to me.

      Breaking it down furthur i try and figuire out does she genuinely love max..i think she does and she is acting in a manner that she thinks he wants her to. Cole may not be husband material but he is certainly bedroom material. And the the theme seems to be shes not married yet. Also rhe fact that max told her what hurts him but doesnt follow thru with "ouch" when she does.

      Which also begs the question what does cole have to gain. Is maggie his goal or her parents specifically daddy and his connections.

      Is it just simply they are just a bunch of kids playing with fire and oops they burned the house down. That may work for max and maggie.but not a player like cole.

      As i said before i dont care who maggie ends up with(come on prof Carmichael) as long as i can connect the dots. Even if she gets either and we get an epilogue of regret she didnt take the other...
      I do believe shes in love with max maybe cole will
      Convince her otherwise.
      I see cole more selfish in it to win it for himself but he grew to care about maggie. So far maggie has been using cole for sex not affection like with max. Maybe its why kt hasnt communicated with her as maggie was trying to figuire what she wanted.

    3. Much appreciated thoughts, John! We can always count on you to get the noggin working.

      Maggie's gains are mysterious, because any gains in confidence she might be experience could be built on faulty foundations and have it all collapse on her. We've seen it already in some senses.

      Coles gains - good question, I think he is realizing he wants to keep this fun up with Maggie by any means mecessary, and so far he's a one woman man. Still way too early to know if that'll last.

      One thing I want to disagree on, is I don't think Maggie is looking to Cole solely for sex, I think she is looking for affection from him, too. I think that's one of his appeals to her. Their passion "[run] the gamut" as Maggie says about Cole.

    4. On cole:
      He didn't start as some one to turn to for affection.
      And its ok for us to disagree on the point. I dont see the heaetfelt connection between cole and Maggie..
      I.see their trysts as raw and purely sexual. I think the more often they do it some affections are traded causing them to move closer. But a great orgasm does not a boyfriend/girlfriend make. I think Cole has finally met someone who he can relate to sexually so has fallen for her. Much like me and wife number one. The sex was so fantastic a person would do anything to keep it. So i think Cole has definite affection for maggie but maggies affection is still rooted in the friend zone(ouch) not romantic zone.
      Based on Maggie's reaction at the ring pull. I think it was just a very pleasant and sexy naughty game she was playing. But she didnt fully understand the rules and someone got burned. When someone explained when you land on "go to jail"you forfeit important stuff like the ability to move forward.
      You're right about there being some affections recently just how much cole has wormed his way into her heart. Will depend on what she does after max left. She'll probably be in shock at first than will see her true colors be they team max or team cole.
      So as far as the great idea to "get it out of her system" before the wedding. Im thinking did she get it out of or into her system. Do you think she can go back to vanila sex after what cole has shown her.

    5. On cole:
      He didn't start as some one to turn to for affection.
      And its ok for us to disagree on the point. I dont see the heaetfelt connection between cole and Maggie..
      I.see their trysts as raw and purely sexual. I think the more often they do it some affections are traded causing them to move closer. But a great orgasm does not a boyfriend/girlfriend make. I think Cole has finally met someone who he can relate to sexually so has fallen for her. Much like me and wife number one. The sex was so fantastic a person would do anything to keep it. So i think Cole has definite affection for maggie but maggies affection is still rooted in the friend zone(ouch) not romantic zone.
      Based on Maggie's reaction at the ring pull. I think it was just a very pleasant and sexy naughty game she was playing. But she didnt fully understand the rules and someone got burned. When someone explained when you land on "go to jail"you forfeit important stuff like the ability to move forward.
      You're right about there being some affections recently just how much cole has wormed his way into her heart. Will depend on what she does after max left. She'll probably be in shock at first than will see her true colors be they team max or team cole.
      So as far as the great idea to "get it out of her system" before the wedding. Im thinking did she get it out of or into her system. Do you think she can go back to vanila sex after what cole has shown her.

    6. I was gonna say some things then I realized I was rehashing a lot. I need MAWR BOOK!

      The most original thought I came up with is, a good orgasm does not a boyfriend make, but it is a factor. I think Cole could fall into that middle ground in the vendiogram of love and lust. Because nothing's hotter than a vendiogram. I can definitely see what you're saying about Maggie friend (with benefit) zoning Cole. And she is also possibly (like I said Cole is) confusing lust with legitimate love.

    7. you know what's also hot? Spell checking and editing.

      Venn diagram*

    8. I don't see the heartfelt connection between Cole and Maggie either. Maggie's infatuation is more based around lust and also the fact that until recently he was unobtainable which made him interesting. The problem for Max is he's now created a scenario for a heartfelt connection to form.

      They're all different people now -- the reasons why Cole likes Maggie, why Maggie likes Cole, why Max likes Maggie, etc, could be different enough now that their relationships could wither away. There's already evidence that Max doesn't like some of the new properties of Maggie. And whether or not he knows it yet, Cole is turning Maggie into a type of girl he won't like either. It's clear that Cole is a believer in monogamy, yet the influence he's had on Maggie to get in her panties has had the opposite influence. It's unclear how much he's noticed this change in Maggie and how much of his affection for her is rooted in his idea of her: the kind, wholesome, shy artsy girl she used to be.

      Maggie has the most to lose here and she's going to need to decide the kind of person she's going to be in this last book. If she likes what's happening to her, then Cole isn't a long term option.

      There's definitely still a lot of story to tell and I'm certain there will still be lots to speculate about characters after it's told.

    9. Half and half ..cole turning maggie into something she wasnt and maggie growing into the woman shes becoming. Hard to tell which is worse but both at ths same time ...i think we call that life altering.

  12. One of my favorite features of the KT Morrison blog whenever she shows us, the growing word count!

    KT, is that because you know what you want to write and just realize you need more words to get there, or are you still trying to figure out where its all going at this point?

    1. Thank you!—I just need more words to get there. My outlines are rough, but I have an idea of necessary scenes (whose word counts I tend to underestimate) then as I flesh those scenes out I sometimes like to go into excruciating details, push the corners out, and then the word count balloons! But, yes, I do know where it's all going ...

  13. 51,000! Excellent!

    Now I'm just throwing this out there and no it's not out of self-interest and how dare you presume so, but 25,000 sounds like a good number for the first part of a two part finale ala Eternal/Universe.

    Just saying ...

    1. What a relief that would be for me! Unfortunately the structure of this book doesn't provide good points for a split. It's kind of a single package (at a predicted 54,775 for now)!

    2. That's amazing, please keep it up!

  14. So "Recovering Maggie?" Sounds to me like its Max recovering (or attempting to) Maggie, but it could be Maggie recovering (and rediscovering) herself. Can't wait to read it.

    1. You hit the two thoughts i had on that too, JL!


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