First Night

There's a development in the arrangement Charlie and Jonny have with their landlord Reza!

...And Jonny looks back to the first time Charlie slept with Reza. A book about first nights; both christening events that usher in a sentence of servitude ...


  1. Btw nice cover she looks like shes reflecting on her first night.

    1. Thank you--got lucky on that one!

    2. can't wait to read the sequel!!! Hot as hell!

  2. Not apropos of this particular book, but I thought the denizens hereabouts might appreciate this cartoon I just ran across:

  3. YESSS! My favorite series returns! I was hoping SOOOO bad you would surprise us with this. Dreams do come true. I can't wait to read about what Reza does to further dominate hot little Charlie and her cuckold husband Johnny. Thank you KT!!!

  4. I'm just pretending to be an adult, can someone explain to me how Reza has control over Johny and Charlie now that Johny's debts are payed for? Some kind of debt transference to the United Federal Bank of Reza?

    1. Charlie signed a promissory note for the amount Jonny owed, essentially now owing Reza the money. She paid off their debt to the Chinese investors. The terms of the borrowing from Reza are private, between Reza and Charlie, but essentially he isn't asking for interest and she agreed to pay the sum back in 5 years. As far as their credit report goes, there will be no liens or debts (other than their student loans and whatever was on their credit cards, but nothing about Jonny having an 80k judgment against him. Paying back 80k in slow time to the Chinese would have added much interest to what was owed.

    2. See we come for the cuckold stories and get an economics lesson as But seriously, that was a brilliant plan by Reza. They are tied to him now...economically not physically (though maybe that's coming too for Charlie). And just how much did Charlie signing the note have to do with that as opposed to getting the money to pay their debt. The answer to that is "not zero" as far as I'm concerned.

    3. Yep, definitely not zero. If it was zero, it wouldn't be nearly as good.

    4. Super brilliant piece of writing, agreed JL ... I wonder what else is written into the contract. For instance, we know Jonny and Charlie's method of birth control, how far into this arrangement does it become revealed that Charlie agreed never to use a condom with Reza? And of course there's the "Never pull out" clause ...

      5 years is a lot of menstrual cycles ... (says a man).

  5. This has got to be my favorite in the series. It's the most focused. For a change, the sex between Reza and Charlie you experience firsthand and in full details. I also like that it focused more on the three main characters. I am glad that the visit of Demetrius & Tate is quite brief as it doesn't really add to the story. My minor gripe is that the Twilight Zone parallel should had been handled with more subtlety. Great job KT!

    1. I kind of agree with that gripe, it felt a little like KT was making sure we caught it. We did, the first time Jonny mentioned he pirated the series, lol. I think the truth is she wanted to make it part of the internal dialogue. Jonny was struggling with the surreality of his life in realtime watching the series.

  6. Just finished it! Even better than I was hoping for. This is a most-read for the cuckold genre. The descriptive scenes made me feel like Jonny, watching it first hand. I love the dialogue between Reza and Charlie, how he make her confess her desires in front of Jonny. And maybe KT's best work yet. My only request... MORE! I hope you continue the story.

  7. Johny clearly likes what's happening here. He's saving a lot of money and getting a 6 month grace period to develop his game. He could have told Reza, "Thanks for the interest free loan but stay somewhere else," but he didn't.

    1. He kind of likes it, that's always the struggle in these stories right? He likes it enough to want it to continue, but not enough to avoid the pain, jealousy, etc. of watching his wife, blah, blah ...

      And what I love about the webs that KT weaves is that she makes the situation between Charlie and Reza almost inevitable. Sort of a, "I got Charlie in this mess, and I have to get her out of it" situation. I love that Charlie presented this new agreement as a surprise and for Jonny and her, and it's true! Interest free loan in 5 years with no clear method of payment?! What is this America circa 2005? (crowd erupts), thank you, thank you ... This is awesome writing because it's not clear that Charlie understands the gravity of the decision she made, though it technically is a pretty phenomenal deal. Except for dignity, and potentially losing a loved one ... There's that ... lol

      For me, I just don't like how much of a pawn Charlie is. Will Jonny go underground and not talk to Reza about the conversation they had at the end of the story? She's a piece between Jonny and Reza's mind games. I think of course she is consciously aware of a lot, but she doesn't let it on, and she's conciliatory. She is almost enjoying playing up that is not 100% a willing participant in every sexual encounter she has had with Reza up to this point, and it makes sense if/that she is not. If she is a willing participant though (and I think she is), I really hope she starts to show it more in any future writings. This is Charlie's life too, ya know!

    2. that she is not 100% a willing participant ...*

    3. It's a 'have your cake and eat it too' situation for Charlie. Also for Johny. Especially for Johny. She wasn't a 100% participant in the beginning but she willingly signed herself into sexual servitude for 5 years. She's a 500% willing participant now. I agree that it would be hot if she let loose a little bit.

      As far as I'm concerned, they could coast like this indefinitely as long as their relationship doesn't turn sour because Charlie starts to treat Johny coldly or vice versa but I have no reason to think that will happen. Pregnancy is a serious concern for that long of a duration, I could see that adding some spice.

      This story kind of reminds me of Lapdancing Girlfriend by DoCCIS on Literotica. The premise is similar: guy is in a bad place financially and leans on his girl for help but in more ways than the obvious. It gets real freaky and I love it. Sadly the author passed away recently. RIP, buddy.

  8. I enjoy seeing how complicit Jonny is becoming as well. He does as Reza asks. What will Reza request next? Charlie can't kiss him any more before he is to have her. He changes the sheets. Will he begin making her cut off Jonny from being physical with her? Possibly a chastity cage? It turns him on when Charlie tells him he has "little boy" penis. She calls Reza "daddy". Jonny "hates" it. Yet he can't deny how hard it makes him. Nobody captures this angst better than KT. So far, most of KT's heroine's / hotwifes stay with their cuckold husbands. Could this be the first time she doesn't? Despite her love, and there is no doubt she does love Jonny, will she slowly being falling for Reza? She admits she loves his cock, that he makes her cum. He has more to offer financially. Over the next 6 months, can Jonny come through? And if he doesn't, maybe Charlie stays with her bull? Predictions?

  9. How about a vote?
    who wants Johnny and Charlie to be together at the end?
    Who wants Charlie to be in reza's stable as a premier call girl in the end?
    Who wants Reza to fall madly in love with Charlie and her to leave johnny for him?
    Who wants Charlie to be reza's Queen and Johnny to be in his stable as a premier call ......whatever?
    Who wants the professor and Maggie together in the end?? Oops sorry wrong story. :)

    Disclaimer: I must abstain from the vote as I haven't read the story yet. (Sorry been pretty busy at work and just now catching up on my social life.)

  10. KT,

    We know you have to do what you need to, is there a reason why 'Happy Endings' has been removed from the status update?

    On another note ... the Final Maggie is underway!!


    1. Happy Endings is done but editing it is time-consuming! I’m much better at writing smaller novella episodes that form a bigger story than huge single novels ... I’ve been stewing on Maggie and got hot on it and want to roll through it while I’m feeling good. Both will be available soon!

    2. I've personally grown rather attached to episodic releases, but I recognize that might not be for everyone and maybe you're just trying to experiment with different ways of delivering your magic. Whatever the motivation, really looking forward to what's in store.

  11. I read Moving In. I think it was mentioned in a blog. One of the most heartless stories I've read. Definitely not into that cruel and sadistic thing. I skimmed the second half and wished I'd just shut it down.
    Really hoping KT isn't heading in that direction with Maggie or Reza.

    1. I thought it was alright... Not my favorite and it did go way further than I liked to the point of being difficult to finish.

    2. The ending is pretty dark, but I liked it because it wasn't just plain Jane - girlfriend and boyfriend are ho hum about each other, hot man enters their lives, totally rocks gf's world, then miraculously nothing happens of major consequence to the bf and gf's relationship.

      Honest question though, couldn't it be argued that Maggie and Reza are possibly "worse" as examples of going 'too far' or 'cruel and sadistic'? What's more cruel and sadistic than showing pictures of a man you might be falling in love ejaculating on your face to your intended fiance in the guise that he might like it? Or more cruel than working out a deal behind the husband's back of sexual servitude for a minimum of 5 years?

      I think the answer is that KT does a fantastic job of building up defenses against how the cruelty looks to readers ... like how Maggie and Cole genuinely love Max, Maggie doesn't think she's hurting Max in a bad way, Max is doing something behind Maggie's back at the same time so how mad could he fairly be at her, etc. ... just to list some examples of the obfuscation of cruelty in the weeds of the Maggie saga.

      KT gives this thought voice in her blurb in the third Maggie Uncovered Blog. The cruelty exists, but it's incidental, which hurts just the same, but only after confusing the hell out of us.

  12. Really loved this series so far. Can't wait till the next one comes out and hope you have similar themes as this one for your other work....

  13. Finally got time to read this one.
    Six months is a plenty of time for Reza to seduce charlie away from Johnny.
    Unless johnny has a breakthrough with his game and finishes well in advance. Gets a bigger payout than Reza, buys reza's property from under him and has a penile implant to make him bigger than reza.

    More likely he'll need things and keep adding months to there "debt".
    Charlie is so gonna be rezas fuck toy bared and shared. Tate will be rezas weapon of choice to lure charlie away from johnny. Soon enough charlie will be staying out later and later than over nighters then spending weekends away then taking trips to points far far away. Maybe she'll be gone for entire week or two.
    Suddenly its johnny who?
    Love your work KT.

    1. Ha ha, thank you; you must—you pretty much described the rest of the book!

  14. Well if there was any doubt that the story continues, KT released the first three books as part of a 'first' collection. There's more to the story!

    Not that we'll necessarily know what that story is *cough* CayPro *cough cough* Obsessed.

    1. Aw come on, lack of knowing what you're going to do next is half of your appeal. Will we ever find out if Kate will come home? Will Mitch and Kiley become a thing?

      Stay tuned ...

  15. Anybody watching 'Black Mirrors'? Im years behind, but I thought of this book a bit when I was watching the second episode of the first season. They're not really at all related lol, but the poor woman in this story kind of reminded me of Charlie.

    This show is amazing, it's taken me too long to watch it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Then I watched the next epsiode and the previous episode looks tame. Again, without giving anything away, the episode is relevant to this blog's themes lol.

    3. My kid started me on it. Its pretty cool and i try and watch an episode once in awhile but its hard for me to get the time for it. Like the premise of digital clones. I Think thats fascinating. I liked the pseudo star trek episode. Thought that was cool..
      Its pretty deep stuff.

    4. I've watched a few episodes and I liked it, but never committed to binging. Right now I'm way into a Canadian show called 19-2. No hotwife elements but it's racy with a capital R, and engrossing.

    5. Also, anyone watch the Pete Holmes show on HBO called Crashing? Pete's name is Pete on the show (obviously!) and he gets a wicked cuckolding by his wife whose name is Jess and I think she's a schoolteacher. wtf?

    6. I have! It's a fun show, and the coincidence is hilarious, although the cuckolding element is somewhat undercut when she leaves them both to become a born-again christian and the other man is so dopey and all-loving that he and Pete end up moving in together.

      Oh and as long as we're discussing/recommending things, has anyone read Controlling Interest by Court Franklin? Seems to share a lot of themes with KT.

    7. I met Pete Holmes before! Easily the most famous person I ever met and spoke two words to in person before. Dude is tall, like, objectively (I'm short). Anyways I heard about Lauren Lapkus' (the actress you're talking about) character cucking him before during a comedy podcast show she is frequently on that I'm a big fan of. Everyone laughed, including me because I'm five. I'll check it out since it got the KT endorsement. I stayed away despite being a hot/cold fan of Pete Holmes (Lauren Lapkus too) because though I like his stand up, he can be so sappy sometimes! Ha!

      And it does not surprise me the names and occupations of those characters, I have been trying to fend off the thought that pop culture has turned into a parody of your work. So it figures .

    8. @ Glaucon - I enjoyed Court Franklin's 'A Real Trouper', but didn't buy 'Controlling Interest' because I'm cheap. I think there's a loophole for me because he is actually 'Odeon' on literotica, and 'Controlling Interest' is one of his stories on there. Since you liked it, I should definitely give that a look too!

    9. Crashing: I wasn't familiar with his standup at all, I watched the show for his guest stars. I like him now; I'll watch his standup when I get a chance ...

      Court Franklin: I've downloaded both those books but haven't read them yet ...

    10. Black Mirror - definitely not bingable unless you plan on commiting suicide that night. Literally every story is, in one word, bleak.

      Finished the episode with John Hamm yesterday and it once again caused the familiar stomach churn associated with the themes in these books. I'm now convinced the writer(s) are into the genre.

      Pete Holmes - just to clarify, I think his stand up is 100% amazing, it's his brief stint as a talk show host that was mildly sappy (namely his interviews) and his 'You made it weird' podcast. Definitely a fan though.

    11. The bleakness is probably why I didn't stick with it ...

      John Hamm gets cuckolded? How does this happen?

    12. Well he's in the episode, I don't want to give anything away, unless no one cares ... it was a good episode though.

    13. Haha sometimes bad things happen to characters in Black Mirror other than getting cuckolded. Though they do seem to go to that well relatively often. There's an especially rough one in the latest season with reversed genders.

      Also yeah 90% of the episodes are bleak, but there are some outside the trend. San Junipero is notably heartwarming.

    14. Just watched black mirror episode "Black Museum "
      Bleak isnt a term id use these stories are on the dark side. But the weirdness is what draws me in kind of like going to see a freak show in olden days.
      Who wouldnt pay to see the elephant man?

      I think the stories have justifiable conclusions though but i have a rather small sampling to choose from.
      I think the trek-a-like episode ended well same as the one i saw tonight. Yea it was a horror show for sure but justice prevailes in the ends.
      The whole notion that someday you can have a digital copy of you...and the boundaries and legalities as well as ethics that will go into it. Id say this was 1966 and this theres this new fantastic scifi show just with impossible gadgets like space ships and weapons that stun or telephones that fit in the palm of your hand. And omg they have an interacial crew.
      I think black mirror is that cutting edge considering current AI and techno trends. Just my opinion.

      Also watched movie called "chloe" julian moore and liam.neeson. a cuck type story of a different kind. Still trying to figuire out the meaning of the hair pin. And juliane moore has serious niplidge. Id say eraser tip but more like putting three eeaser tips together. Maybe gummy bear nips is more accurate.

    15. Hmm, I could draw parallels to The Twilight Zone but the consensus seems that I've talked enough about The Twilight Zone!

    16. Also very cutting edge although i tended to favor "the outer limits" and "one step beyond".

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. I'm sorry, KT! I think it's actually really funny/interesting/clever use of detailing the parallels of the episodes that you selected to Jonny's life. I guess I like it more when you leave things open for us to fill in the blanks like you usually do, but I can obviously see the fun that was had writing about maybe what was specifically applicable.

    20. Ha ha, no, I know, even when I wrote it I was like, "I think we all get it already ..."

  16. Any updates outside of Final Maggie? Maybe Happy Endings soon?

    1. I'm really focused on finishing Maggie before I do anything else, but I do have other boos completed and partially done. Coming soon will be Happy Endings, and after that I have:
      1. a book about wife with multiple partners, a novella in similar structure to Watching Natalie Cheat.
      2. a Black Mirrorish (or as I call it Twilight Zonish) book that takes place slightly in the future.
      3. a reluctant fiancee book, where a young woman is being seduced away by an old flame. Probably novel size.
      4. One that has characters I love and hot scenes, but I won't describe the scenario. Don't want you to see it coming, ha ha Also novel size.
      5. Husband bullied by wife's sort-of-co-worker (a celebrity athlete)
      6. fiancee with rowdy sorority sisters who illuminate her on the exciting things that are out in the world. Novel size.
      7. Guy on university campus who gets involved in a sorority's game. Ex is part of sorority. Novel size.
      8. And of course, endings for Reza, Cayman Proxy, and Obsessed.

      Some of these books are done, half-done, quarter done, and I can't speculate on the order they will appear. Or that something completely new will show up first!

    2. Oh! And a book that takes place in the sixties, in the jungle, and I also have a sequel to Size Curious Brat that will be free for my followers. Make sure you're on my Mailing List!

    3. *jaw drops* good morning to you too!

      You say you wrote a story about characters you love, has there been any characters you didn't love?

      Besides Rocco, fuck him.

    4. No, I love them all, but some stand out and take charge. Like, Cole was one. There was a time I thought he might be a bit-player, but I found things in him I wanted to see. Natalie was a shocker, pretty much pushing me aside and telling me how the story was going to go. Some characters just stand out and make me love them more. If a character is boring they lose their voice and go away. Rocco wasn't boring. Holy shit, Rocco was awesome, I could literally feel him. Love him, no, love his presence, yes. Omar was another one like that, but not extreme. He was a bull, but I knew his summer job?—wtf? Was that the only bull (besides Atticus) that I gave a voice to? Shit, Becky Castro was another one: just supposed to be a bit-player but became huge in my mind. I wish I had more story for her. She is badass.

      How about you folks: Who was your favorite wife, husband, bull? ...

    5. KT, not holding you to your answer here, and without being specific, how much of this is your goal to accomplish this year?

    6. For husbands/fianc'e:
      I enjoyed pete alot i think i connected with him in some way until he epic failed the bike incident. Not only didnt knock the bike over but injured his foor in the process.. oey! He has the farthest to grow.
      But over all i like geoff the most.
      Wives: hands down gotta say Nia. She took a licking and kept on licking.
      Bulls: toss up with reza and cole. Let you know who wins when those stories conclude. But leaning toward cole he's an alpha with an emotional connection with maggie but reza hes just an alpha doing what alpha's do. But theres still more to read there.

    7. Would LOVE for you to keep working on the Reza story (after Maggie) if you're open to feedback / opinion.

      Favorite husband: Pete
      Favorite Bull: Cole. And Reza. Oh, and Rocco. Ha. Your bulls are pretty amazing.
      Favorite hotwife: I think Charlie and Nia

    8. Best of KT lol -

      While I relate a little bit to everyone of your husband characters, I think my personal favorite is Geoff. I doubt I'm as attractive as he is, but he seemed a lot like me moreso than Pete, Mitch, or Max. There are so many points in that series where the story fell out of the pages, and felt like I was reading the story about a real couple, the cast had mostly to do with that, circumstances did the rest to convince me it was realistic.

      Thinking about who my favorite wife character has further made clear that I am biased, I struggled to find enough flaws to really pick one oover the other. Maggie is too young/green to how the world works and what impact she has on it, but she's fucking adorable and extremely bright and kind (when she's trying). Jessie was out of control towards the end there and cruel, but then again, that's what Petey asked for, right? Nia is way too wild for me, she seemed almost negligent/mean to Odie too in parts of the story, like she couldn't put her ego down about not knowing who Odie's father truly was and ashamed that it might not be Geoff's. I hope she gets her act together now that she has another on the way and the past is left in the past. That all said, she always reminded Geoff she was right there with him no matter how crazy things got, and I believed it, and it was sweet when I think about the power of the forces pulling her away from him.

      No, my favorite, even though there's probably too little on her to make this call, recency bias, etc. I liked Natalie a lot. She seems like she's the total package of good qualities and flaws. Given what's next in KT's queue I'd be okay if what we know of her is all we ever know, but she was amazing to read about. She reminded me a little bit of Courtney. I had to go back and reread Courtney a bit, and I feel like I could totally see Courtney as Natalie's future.

      Bull character - My favorite is probably Atticus, mostly because he is the most put together of the bull characters of KT's stories, but his flaws bleed out every once in a while. Weak moments with Gretch and the hintings at loss of control with Amy are coming to mind as flaws. It's weird too, because I don't really enjoy perfect ideal characters, and though she builds in flaws with every one of her characters, Atticus seems the most flawless, so go figure ...

      Least favorite husband - Steve - dude, you're losing circulation to your wrists in handcuffs and chastity watching your wife get railed, with months of abstinence?! I guess my dislike of him is rooted purely on not understanding him, lol.

      Least favorite wife - might be Nia - this was hard, but I reminded myself about what it was I didn't like when I was thinking about this stuff, and behaving so cowardly about the past to Geoff for so long, her meanness as a mother (at times), holding Dino's essence in her body so long considering she knew how guilty she felt about the past, she was a bit too crazy for me in retrospect. Loved her though, so there's that. Also she needs to be reminded that Rocco might have had some Roman lineage (harkening back to a paragraph in Montreal), but the average height of a Roman soldier is considered to have been around 5'7'', so unless shes fantasizing about being held up against the wall by a guy like me (I'm part Italian too, *wink wink* Nia) I'm gonna need to rain on her parade.

      Least favorite Bull: probably Rocco, what an asshole. Borderline abusive, obviously inconsiderate (I mean how can you cheat on Nia? *pauses as he steps over the double standard he ignores in that statement*), backwards culturally (definitely seemed like a guy who would vote for Trump, because that's "his kinda guy"). KT probably should have killed him when she had a chance.

    9. @2B=2H My intent is to do all of those this year. Intent.

      And thanks to everyone for letting me know who your picks were. I'm surprised! Really surprised. So glad to see Cole on the list. Most complicated, for sure. Surprised to see Reza too, since he's uncomplicated.

      Literally burst out laughing at the gladiators were short comment. Nia's not a big history buff, that was just her fantasies playing out. Also one of my favorite 'dirty thoughts' from the book. We talked about her before not being a reader, she has more of an HBO interpretation of history. (That said, she did read a book when Geoff and Odie ambushed her from the tent then invited her in to stay with them. Must have been an accounting book or something!)

      Thanks again for those responses, I keep re-reading them!

      @Lancer Reza will continue!

    10. *Wakes up* oh man, you guys I had the crazy dream where KT said she would write or complete over a dozen books at least in 2018, that was awesome, KT what did you say what your answer was again, sorry I missed it.

      I am just glad to be along for the ride again this year!

      That said though, would you say you accomplished your goals as a writer in 2017 (maybe not necessarily in volume but in substance)? You might see where I'm going with that question, just trying to manage my expectations ...

      I realized I answered your question in a purely moralistic/relatability standard. It'll be hard to surpass the LHW2 cast in terms of the dynamics of each of their personalities. In that sense, I would vote the entire cast of LHW2 as my favorites. Rocco might seem a bit straight forward but he was erratic and showed glimpses of having a soul. Cole is deeper than Rocco ever was, but he is mostly a good person with evil or opportunistic undertones. In that sense he's more complicated, but Cole's potential is probably stifled by the fact that he is not intentionally an asshole.

    11. And *pushes up glasses* technically, Nia is right to have that fantasy about the tall, rugged Roman warrior because shortness is a relative term, right? She was just tapping into her deeply ingrained ancestral past which looked up to the tall, dark handsome Roman warrior of 5'7'', herself probably 5'2.''

    12. I thought the romans only carried short swords and short spears. But they do come in legions. They also shoot their arrows/bolts farther and harder from their balliatas.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Those are some exciting previews, some especially interesting. Can't wait!

  17. KT, you're now neck deep in the finale ... how are you holding up?

    Promise I'm not fishing, just hoping you're well.

    1. Sad that I'll soon be saying bye to these people, but happy now that I know how it's turning out. I had a plan, but the characters tweaked my plans little by little, showing me what they wanted ...

    2. Hang in there! Glad it's working out the way you hoped, more or less!

      If you don't mind one more question (today, at least), the projected word count is 58.1k right? How many words have you actually written?

      So happy the final story is essentially a full-length novel in itself.

    3. Currently at 51,015. Are palindromes good luck?

    4. Thanks! At least the number is nicer to look at ...

    5. Totally missed the sub-text to KT's response, does she need good luck?


  18. KT, is the 'bandana rule 'on the door a nod to Amy? I literally just put this together thinking about something that I wanted to bring up for this story, but I'll save until after it's out.

    1. Ha ha, I don't remember! Sounds like something I'd do—but can you believe I wrote Tempting Maggie a year ago? I can't! wtf? Where did the last year go?

  19. A what if:
    How would the dynamics change if;
    Max after his feelings of regret and guilt through some impetus such as seeing Maggie and cole together or tries to call maggie and cole answers and gives max shit.
    Max goes back to the scene of the original crime and outaide the dorm he bumps into jess. She gives him a pity "party"
    They both find they're into each other not love like with maggie
    but ........

    1. i too think plays a role in this last book, I don't want to say right now because I want to see if I am right. It isn't in the way that you're thinking. That would definitely fix the sting for Max though, I agree!

    2. So mysterious is my post that I don't even include the name 'Jess' in it ...

  20. I know I never fail to make a comment over just about any minor update, but 60,000 was a milestone I was hoping would be cleared!

    Question for KT: approximately how much time writing this story had the theme song from "A Love Story" playing in your head, lol.

    I feel like that'll be the soundtrack for this reading ... whether I want it to or not ...

    1. Yes, and while I am technically done, more will be added when I begin editing. There are details that will be added and I know nothing will be pulled, so I expect it will go even higher.

      Love Story, yes, but another song that I left out because it was too descriptive. Remind me on the Final Maggie post and I will include it!

    2. Haha, brilliance all around, I will be sure to ask about any remaining influences/reminders of this story when it's out.

      Good luck with editing!

    3. Probably not the song being hinted at, but the song I always think of as thematically resonant with KT stories:

    4. Ha definitely one that comes to mind for me too, Glaucon!

    5. Nice visuals and on topic.
      But im more a Blue
      October kinda a guy when im not lords of acid.
      KT creates that strong emotional bond in her players as in "18th floor balcony" As well the depth of the loss and confusion they suffer as in "into the ocean"

  21. Hoping this works .
    Dedicated to Maggie, KT and the gang.

  22. Hoping this works .
    Dedicated to Maggie, KT and the gang.

    1. What!? Thanks!—I'm not sure I knew there was a version with lyrics. How embarrassing ...

    2. Yea i know the feeling i found that among another that shocked me the theme from the godfather is one of andy williams too. "Speak softly my love" i think. Ita a shocker ...afraid to keep looking around i might find a song to the james bond theme..

  23. Oh my fuck, the title is released ...

    1. Just for a few giggles I thought I'd share a few of my unoriginal thoughts on the first word of this book-

      "Taking Maggie" unoriginal
      "Claiming Maggie" related to the 'Claim' chapter in UM.
      "Saving Maggie" would have been the title if Max wins her back?

      I'm not going to try to make too much of KT's title, I only think it sounds positive for Max.

    2. Devils advocate here:
      From a different perspective not necessarily mine Cole could be the one saving maggie. Two words two ways...tutu's

    3. Great cover picture! How can I stay mad at that?


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