High Stakes

The sixth Reza book is now available!

Jonny and Charlie need to learn the lesson taught by the cage. Their landlord wants them to know that their love eats away at discipline. Discipline was what would save them. Don't they want to be saved?

Reza moves his pieces on the board like a master, always one step ahead of his young opponent whose life is all about playing games. What better way to lure young Jonny into the worst move he could make than offering him the reward he craves?...



  2. So excited! Hope we at least get two more after this one!

  3. God I love how that kelis song works for either Jonny or Charlie, in my opinion.

    1. Ha ha, and what do you think now...

    2. I mention below that I have Lancer to thank for helping me connect the tattoo, it's symbolism, and that song. It was pretty much in plain view, too. Haha. I love that songs are a permanent fixture to adding color to everything you write, KT. Even if they're only one way of interpreting where your stories are going, or only capture a portion of it, it's super fucking powerful to go down rabbit holes through song.

  4. still not out in Amazon yet.

  5. Seek and destroy? Sounds like somebody's gettin' their ass kicked.

  6. Well hopefully it comes out tomorrow. I'm sorry but I absolutely despise Reza as a character, he truly is the villain of this story no matter how anyone tries to spin it. I don't see him as much of a master manipulator, but whether I get the feeling that he only thinks himself as such and maybe he is indeed very capable in his own right.

    Just thought, no matter how good you are, there is always someone better. Hopefully Jonny pulls through and gets his revenge when everything is through.

    Anyway, can't wait to read High Stakes when it comes out. Hopefully tomorrow.

  7. The teenager in me keeps saying to myself, "Goldilocks found her dick ..."

  8. So that was an interesting chapter. Was Charlie telling the truth to Jonny at the end about Tate? I think yes. I think that's her honest read on Tate, and I think its the accurate one. He's saying what he thinks Charlie wants to hear in order to get her to leave Jonny when this is all over. And the bottom line is he's in as much debt to Reza as Jonny is, so its not like he can give her this great life he's promising. This Charlie is really a smart one...but why do I get the feeling they aren't quite done with trials and tribulations yet.

    Charlie has probably been my favorite of the female characters so far. She's come so far (and so many times...ba dump bump). But she still has seemed to keep her head about the men in her life and what they really want. She wanted to have a weekend with Tate, a weekend with great sex, so she allowed herself to have it and enjoy it. But she didn't let it cloud her as to who Tate really is.

    Of course, again I'm assuming she was being completely truthful to Jonny at the end. But is there a part of her that took Tate's words to heart? Maybe not necessarily to leave Jonny for him, but maybe to leave Jonny for that better life? I guess we'll find out.

    1. I agree with you about everything mostly. Although I don't think she was taking anything Tate said to consideration. If she was she would have kicked Jonny to the curb. I got a much better grasp of Charlie's personality in this book than the previous ones and how she feels about Jonny. She thought Tate was genuinely a nice guy as he kept his personality as something he thought she wanted to see. Like those fake glasses of his.

      I think if she wanted to leave Jonny for a better life she really would have done it. However, like I said in my comment, what if she thinks/feels that Jonny isn't being faithful to her or the game doesn't quite come out according to plan.

      He's putting a lot faith in this Shilmut (sorry still can't spell it exactly). But what if she isn't what she appears? Okay this just came to me. Hopefully we get 2 more books at least instead of just one more.

    2. Yeah, I would agree with most of you said too. I think she may have built Tate up in her head and wanted to see who he really was. In many ways, he could have been her dream guy...the guy who treats her well but also can meet what I think she now sees as her sexual needs. But that last encounter showed who he really was to her, and I think that was the instant turn off (at least from a personality standpoint).

      But again, I still wonder if a part of her was thinking it during the weekend, when Tate was considerate and caring...was she thinking of a life without Jonny? We don't get into her head, so we don't know. But I have a little bit of doubt...I think she loves Jonny, but I also can envision a scenario where it doesn't work out between them.

    3. I think she wasn't thinking about leaving him. To be blunt, if she wanted/contemplated of leaving him I think she would have done so. I think that she liked the ideal of Tate because he was always so 'nice' to her, but it was all an act. I envision the possibility that things don't work out between them, but I believe that they will work out.

    4. I think she was being truthful. Honesty is very important to her, I believe that. 100% honesty, 100% true to who you are. Jonny has his faults but I'd describe him as that much. Tate I wouldn't. He's dishonest with himself about his own situation with Reza. He can't make promises regarding Reza, just like Jonny can't. But he did anyway. He's a poser just like everybody else. He's nice, though.

      Also, it seems silly to talk about at this point but I think the sanctity of marriage is very important to Charlie. I think above all else, she wants to uphold her promises. She was offended when Tate called Jonny stupid because she interpreted it to mean that she's also stupid. Because her and Jonny are a union that makes decisions together. Which is why Jonny pushing her sexuality for rent money is so offensive.

      So I don't think leaving Jonny ever crossed her mind.. or ever will at this point. I'm with Jeff on that one. Doesn't mean Jonny shouldn't have his balls cut off for prostituting his wife against her will. His game better be fucking amazing.

    5. Hmmm, I don't think I agree with you Worlds on certain things. First Jonny KNEW that Charlie had the hots for Tate. This might have given Jonny the feeling that Charlie would want this. Tate also isn't nice whatsoever, he's a bigger asshole than Reza in some ways.

    6. No, he's trying to steal someone's wife and frame it like he's coming from a moral high ground (he's not). He's not a nice person. He's a decisively bad person. I meant that he's mostly unoffensive in a casual interaction. No disagreement there, my bad.

      When I said Jonny prostituted (is this even a word??) his wife, I was referring to the first time with Reza. Jonny made that happen and Charlie was openly against it. Bad boy, Jonny. Not with Tate...Charlie was clearly very, very okay with Tate. Was that what you were disagreeing with? Sorry, I'm a little loopy right now..

    7. It's called pimping. Nah mostly I agree with you, I just sort of disagree with you about Jonny.

      BTW Most of all KT's characters are all shades of gray rather than black and white.

    8. I think Tate was more like a dream date that ended badly, for Tate. Sometimes you say shit you can't take back..if Tate was smart he would have realized verbally bashing Johnny wasn't working before why would doubling down work now... shows his immaturity or plain stupidity. If he had been more genuine than maybe. I think Johnny pushing Tates buttons helped him maybe Tate felt Johnny's slights required a response. In fighter terms Johnny challenged him and needed to be put down either physically or verbally. In the end he proved himself a bully with a nig cock.

    9. As far as prostituting goes. Is it rape If she wants it. Idk ...the whole cage thing is kind of goofy to me. Its exciting as a storyline keeping him from screwing his own wife but it wouldn't take much more than some heavy duty wire snips to open that bugger up and get it off. I was dismayed at his desperation in his text with reza. I kept thinking "dude home depot now.. wire cutters now.... and done no more begging"
      Alas I'm swept up in KTs charactors ....again.

    10. @WA I get that true stuff you're talking about. The scene on the couch when she took tates fake glasses and made a joke using her and Johnny's favorite TV show scene. Tate laughed but I don't think he got the inside joke or the joke at all I think he just thought Charlie was acting funny so he should laugh because that's what she expected him to do. In reality she was making a joke at his expense...he didn't get that.

    11. Interesting that Tate
      Never answered everytime Johnny asked what reza had on him...and when Charlie mentioned Reza cock size he nearly flipped out.

    12. She didn't want to blow Reza in exchange for rent..that much is obvious.

    13. The cage: yes, he could snip it, but part of him is starting to believe it's good for him!

    14. Thank you, KT. That clears a lot up for me.

      Just kidding, WTF??????????????

  9. What a book is all I can say. I am sort of glad it was someone other than Reza. I had a lot of different ideas when it came to Tate, several were put to rest here. The one about him being a jerk was confirmed. I think everything at the end was pretty revealing of Charlie and how much she really does love Jonny.

    No, I don't think she intends to look at Tate's offer or to leave Jonny for a better life somewhere else. That doesn't mean she wont though, especially if she feels that Jonny is secretly meeting with someone else or Reza has her convinced of this.

    Anyway off to write my review and then head out.

    1. PS. Hope to see at least two more of this series because it's one of my favorites.

    2. I'm hoping there's one more... the final conclusion. I'd hate to see the dynamic pushed beyond it's titillating capacity and I feel like it's reached it.. That's just me though!

    3. Nah, I think we could easily see two more. Although I think now that I read this one anymore than two more would be stretching things a lot.

    4. Thanks, guys! Can you believe I thought I would make this book half as long and somehow include Tate's weekend and Jonny's weekend? There's more story to tell for sure, but I'm aiming for shorter, quicker books...

    5. No.... i love long books... but then again I'm accustomed to George rr Martin and Robert Jordan lol

    6. It's okay if you aim for shorter books as long as you realize they shouldn't be short..like right now:)

      KT Morrison, you're amazing. Please don't read my comments and think I'm judging YOU as an author, I'm judging your characters! YOU're incredible! Thank you for your hard work!


    It's really not ok to do this KT Morrison, I have a life. Things I wanna do, people I wanna meet. EXPERIENCES I WANNA HAVE THAT DON'T INVOLVE READING YOUR STORIES!

    That was soooo good. Read some in the morning then thought about it all day at work. I feel like that ended in such a way that it could be the last chapter. Just leave it to open to interpretation. What was that urgent message that went unresolved? FINALLY, our two people are on the same playing field. What a glorious feeling. Of course, there will be more, though! And it'll weasel it's way into my life like an STD!

    I finally feel like the female protagonist's actions (the eagerness, the cold disregard for emotion because she's horny) were warranted. It was a weird feeling but I agreed with Charlie that she deserved to have something she actually wanted. Made me feel like an asshole for doubting her. Also the way it ended eased my (generally bad) opinion of Jonny. If Charlie feels the way she does, then that's enough for me.

    Also, during Tate's final "offering" to Charlie while he was fucking her, spilling his guts about his opinion of Jonny, I found Jonny's position to be quite romantic. "Just shut up and fuck her," he said. I think I've warmed up to him.

    Last and least, Reza. Despite his despicable ethical standards, he was the voice of reason in those text messages. Jonny was willing to sell even more of his future to Reza for nothing and Reza said no! 'Get back to work,' he said! Wow! He was probably just bored and disinterested because of how far away he was but still. Props where props're due.


    1. Yea that unanswered urgent message had me scratching my head...I was also wondering if Reza had so much business overseas would some of that business perhaps involve Johnny's programmers. Are one or both of them working for reza and trying to delay Johnny's work.

    2. It makes me feel so great to have such an impact! I remember when I first started this, writing Cayman Proxy, wondering Will anybody even like this?... I really love hearing feedback like this!

  11. “You’re a horny, young, unfocused dude with a ten for a wife. I don’t blame you for being distracted. You hit the jackpot. I don’t know if you hypnotized that girl or what but you bagged a filly. The two of you together looks like a kidnapping.” The hype men chuckled...

    I also chuckled at this.... lol
    Does that make me a hype man?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. On a more serious note.
    It was nice seeing a side of Charlie that has been buried under a ton of lust and cuckold angst. That last conversation made me think of just how smart she is. It would have been easy to let her slip into a love with Tate but that's not a KT tale. KT likes her girls super complicated on the outside but simple on the inside.. Charlie is getting something out of this situation and seems she's gonna use her new found abilities for the benefit of her marriage. I just wonder if she can maintain control over it when she realizes Reza is gonna give her more and more experiences. I was wondering through most of this book if Charlie had changed so much that Johnny wouldn't want her anymore. Which would be an ok ending if Johnny hooked up with shelanut or whatever her name is. But I think Charlie and Johnny will survive this both changed forever Johnny may not be able to get it up anymore with out Charlie banging somebody for foreplay. And Charlie being able to go find a big dick when she wants.
    The black star is bothersome because she didn't tell Johnny about it when she got it..and then let some strangers know before her hubby that was bad on her. But It played out ok.

  14. As for the future:
    I predict reza will make Charlie absolutely too sore to have sex the following weekend or he will release Johnny from his chastity but put Charlie in a chastity belt.. both keeping his word to Johnny about releasing him and letting him have his sixty hours with Charlie. Idk how he'll keep Charlie from giving Johnny head but I'm sure he'll find away...wonder if we seen the last of Genesis.

  15. Primero, sé que toda la culpa de lo que está sucediendo pertenece a Jonny, pero quiero agregar algo.

    I have the feeling that Charlie has not been sincere with Jonny and that something else is hiding. Seriously cocaine? and that tattoo without even consulting with your partner? I do not know about you, but I believe that this story will not have a happy ending and the final culprit will be Charlie.

    1. The first line (sorry): First, I know that all the blame for what is happening belongs to Jonny, but I want to add something.

    2. But did she do drugs? And the tattoo...? Her body, as Marco points out, and she doesn't need permission. Maybe she could have told him earlier, but like Genesis said, he can be a party-pooper!

      What do you think?

    3. That jonny should be punished and get a tattoo as well...

    4. That's a point I was wanting to make but didn't have the courage to make. It was assumed the whole time that Charlie was doing cocaine because Jonny assumed the worst but it was never proved. It was the most obvious to me in this book. Never witnessed, only assumed. Thanks KT :)

      ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love this!!!

    5. So so you think she snorted some in the mens room at the fight?
      As far as party pooper goes of course he is. that's the love of his life havin fun while he cant. There's got to be a certain amount of jealousy mixed with an equal amount of envy.
      Enough to twist up anyone.
      Secrets fuel the cuck but kill the marital bond.
      So far Charlie hasn't lied on purpose only on Reza s orders.

    6. After furthur thought about the stash of doob and coke in the bathroom.
      Who was it for if not charlie... did Tate leave there ...dont think songot keep himself fit for duty. Maybe demetrius same kind of thing with Tate. In training no drugging. Reza possible but I'd assume it would be to share with Charlie not doe his sole use. Didn't seem enough for that but could be.
      Is Johnny into weed and snort? Did I miss anyone?
      Possible reza left it for Charlie's use but she doesn't partake unless its with someone.

  16. So I'm about 70% of the way through the book and OMG... it's amazing. I obviously don't mind spoilers so keep chatting away and I 'll certainly engage in the dialogue as I"m getting further into the book. There's SO many things happening; the tattoo, the drugs, the hidden dildo none of which Charlie shared with Jonny. She definitely has a wild side to her that has evolved outside of what she is being "forced" to do. I've made it through Tate and Charlie's coupling. It's pushed about every cuck-button there is; Jonny following them on their day "date", Charlie whispering to Jonny "he's going to take me now" do you need to leave (no, i need to watch). I loved the link one of you shared about the dress she may be wearing to the fight, it's exactly what I imagine too (plus those heels!). Jonny being forced into smaller cage (that TATE put on), was just WOW.

    I'm also hoping there are at least 2-3 more books before this wraps up. This, and the Losing his Wife series have been my favorite series of KT's. I love the different views on Charlie, Jonny, Tate, and Reza though. Hey anyone think there is a chance Charlie might get pregnant with Tate's baby?

    1. I love the idea for 2 to 3 more myself. Remember though, a lot of this depends on the response and reviews whether KT continues to make more of this series or not. I actually hope Charlie doesn't get pregnant to be honest.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Another cross-over opportunity. Interesting that Tommy and Reza have investments in Africa, I know it’s a large continent, but you know, maybe they bump into each other?

    You think maybe Charlie went to visit Demetrius to blow off some steam after Jonny and Charlie’s argument? Something about all the little hints about things happening behind Jonny’s back, her familiarity to characters like Marco who Jonny never talked to, make me think there’s some truth to it.

    What’s everybody’s beef with Tate?

    Have you ever gotten angry because a girl that you’re interested in might not be giving in to your advances even though you’ve been really patient and then when you had an opportunity tried as hard as you possibly can, and something awful just slips out and makes you look bad? I think Jonny knows what that’s like, happened in this story even when he cornered Charlie about Tate.

    And it’s debatable that that may apply to Tate too at the end of the story.

    So what if he doesn’t actually wear glasses, isn’t the attempt endearing? Haven’t you ever made a fool of yourself maybe even looking a little phony in the process during the chase? I still don’t find a lot wrong with Tate even by the end of the story. If we’re going to get angry by the fact that Tate doesn’t respect boundaries of Charlie and Jonny’s relationship, well, it’s a little too late for that. And besides, he’s a fighter? Wouldn’t any girl want a man willing to fight for her love even in the face of competition? Tate had a taste of Charlie, and he found an opportunity to win a weekend with a girl he really wants an opportunity to impress. No one’s perfect, but he probably got a 8.0, just didn’t stick the landing. Or maybe it was a 9.25, amiright? Huh? Huh?

    I wonder when Charlie reflects how awkward Jonny and her first dates were … how well meaning clumsy old Jonny was, but how well meaning he was …

    Title bout, Tate vs. Demetrius, the prize? Well of course … lol!

    Seriously though, Jonny is gaining a lot of competition. You think Reza might be playing Tate in order to toy with Charlie’s heart a bit using Tate’s infatuation before swooping in as her savior?

    Lastly, is Jonny putting a little too much trust in Shulamit and getting a little lazy? Dare I say, almost Reza level bossy? Working Shulamit until he’s basically reduced to saying, “I just want my game, I want money.” Gimme gimme! Real leadership displayed there, Jonny. You might make sure you understand what’s going on with your ticket out of dodge.

    Lots of thoughts came to mind in this story. Lovely read!

    1. My bet is on marko probably via Genesis seems the kind of guy who could rustle up a inker on short notice.

    2. Part 2 Tate:
      I'm gonna break down my responses my subject make it easier for me to think....
      That they had a mutual attraction was one thing. Thinking Charlie deserved better than Johnny does not automatically qualify Tate as the replacement. I sort of agree with your point but in the end he made himself out to be an ass. I also think Charlie nailed it on the head when she said he was doing all he could to get her than if she said yes a month later she'd be old news. My biggest concern was that when Johnny took a verbal swipe at him he looked as if he was gonna throw down on him..I can't say for sure he'd be a wife beater. But if he couldn't out argue her after awhile that just may be the response. Otherwise a total teddy bear lovable and cuddly. Not so hairy like Reza.(did you note the temper flair when she mentioned reza?) I remember myself included we were hoping Tate from the last book was gonna rescue our two birds from reza...ooops dang how did I get that one wrong. Lol

    3. Part 3 Johnny:
      You might be onto something there. We know they are both changing not just charlie. Maybe Johnny drops his snarky attitude in favor of a confident boss type. something that maybe Charlie can respect more. Maybe his game is a smash and he can get that penis enlargement he's been secretly thinking about. In any case he is gonna be the husband and cuckold to a hotwife. That is one change that I doubt will go away. I'm glad you remember how to spell shesamutt. I can't remember to save my life. Old age you know...

      As far as Reza goes he seemed surprised that he wasn't pounding Charlie's cooter to smithereens during their text.. wonder what he had on his mind.

    4. You lost me when you said it's too late to respect boundaries (for Tate). Why? Do you think Charlie would have slept with Tate independent of Reza's influence? Like if he knocks on the door, says, "Hey, Reza doesn't know I'm here. Wanna screw?" Think she would? I don't think she would...

      You're describing a situation that doesn't have boundaries, but there are boundaries, they're just unusual. Tate used the ticket booth like everyone else did.. Went through Reza. That's sidestepping the morale obstacle that a good person would be faced with.

      That's my beef with Tate, not his outburst or fake glasses. Those things are representative of what he actually is, though: fake.

    5. He was built up as this guy that just might be the kind of person to not take advantage of a situation like this, but he's down in the mud with everyone else. So to use your metaphor..he basically fell off the beam and his score is capped at like 5.0...

    6. Good question...for me I think with Charlie liberated as she is she would agree to sex him up..but the caveat of Johnny being there doesn't apply she'd actually cheat on johnny..take Tate somewhere else and do the deed. She would eventually tell Johnny and explain it just sex not love and all that.. than maybe he gets to watch.

    7. Lol, what boundaries exist for people when they've already been intimate with each other and have been witness to each other's intimacy. I'm saying that bridge has already been crossed before this chapter started, even if both weren't necessarily fully on board with it when it first happened. But, since it happened, it snowballed causing Charlie and Tate to want more from each other. We might be talking about different boundaries, I guess?

      And really, who can blame Tate for being under Reza's thumb, too? Reza's kind of a big deal, Tate's a fighter, and he needs Reza for a place to train and as a promoter. If anything that makes Tate and Charlie have a lot in common, both trying to fight for what they want, freedom and a chance to enjoy life.

      I'm just saying I'm not entirely sold on Tate's fakeness (In a fake book about entirely fake scenarios). He didn't need to put on airs about wanting to respect Charlie throughout his time with her, constantly telling her she doesn't have to do what she thinks she does with him, only if she wants to. Nor did he need to sacrifice his reward in exchange for the opportunity to spend time with another prisoner under Reza's command. It's kind of noble in a way the way he fought for the chance ... lol. I think it's genuine how he views the entire dynamic between Charlie, Jonny, and Reza (and friends), i.e. he doesn't like it for her, but "look he's my boss and besides you're fucking, Charlie, you're so hot."

      Maybe since Tate used the weekend with Jonny as incentive to get Charlie to consider doing the weekend with him you could say he's just as sleazy and awful as everyone else. Maybe he just needed the chance, and knew that was the only way she'd say yes. And I think he made enough of an effect that when Charlie looks back, she might be able to forgive Tate's foolish jealous rage and displays.

      And while we're talking about fakeness, shouldn't we rate Tate's personality relative to Jonny's about fakeness? Isn't that the point when we're talking about how Charlie might view men? "Well he has his flaws, but ..."

      In Jonny's case, didn't he lie to her for a while about the trouble he was in with the Korean's? When the truth came out didn't he force Charlie to lie to her parents for years about their situation so he would save face and is still lying to them about it? Make Charlie walk on egg shells to her own parents and refuse their help out of his own pride?

      If we want to blame people for being fake, let's make sure everyone's being held to the same standards ...

    8. His motive may have been pure but his method was flawed. That last sex with Charlie was full of husband bashing...I think he was trying to hurt Johnny as much as he was trying to convince Charlie. Maybe he can apologize and have a second chase at her but Charlie is no dumb sperm receptacle. I think she was right about him and probably figured it out sooner than later. So far everything has been in front of Johnny when things start happening with out his participation than maybe there's trouble for them both...I'm not sure i consider the star tat as part of it. That was something done in a drunken high stupor.
      This one has alot of possibilities to it. And I think I more than used up my quota of brain power on it . But the thing that makes me believe she'll stay with him was when she told Johnny that he takes care of her heart.. no one has done that for her. Not even good guy Tate.....Not yet anyways.

    9. Jonny has her heart, but is that just familiarity? Is it possible she can start to feel safe with someone else?

      I dont think so, but I think Tate is a strong contender.

    10. I'm holding everyone to the same standard. If I said Tate was a 5.0, Jonny is even lower than that. Maybe a 3.0. Maybe we're looking at different boundaries but I don't think so.

    11. Let me point out that Charlie's willingness to blow Tate and then spend the weekend with him was explained to Jonny as acceptable because of what she had already endured and would no doubt continue to endure. Not because she would have reached out for it independently but because it was a pleasant alternative to Reza. Because for once she might actually both like it and want to like it. Can't write that off. It's why Jonny was sorry for being upset at her, because he realized she didn't have control over what happened to her. Who was he to say what she should and shouldn't be allowed to enjoy given those circumstances? But does that mean she would forsake her marriage vows for some of Tate's fat dick *only* because she wanted it? My opinion is no, but that's where the discussion should be.

      It's flimsy reasoning, but it's the only reason Jonny didn't flip out and rage. And it's all because of Reza's influence. Maybe Tate's motivation was from a place of purity, but his actions were tainted by Reza's dominion over him. He's not above it like we all hoped he would be and Charlie deserves someone who is.

      I'm not spouting nonsense in an effort to make Jonny smell like roses. He pimped out his wife for rent; he's just as worthy of my condemnation as the others.

    12. On the whole heart thing ...
      Johnny makes her feel safe as in he won't intentionally inflict emotional distress on her or beat her blind for talking about someone else's dick.
      Tate could keep her safe until someone beats him blind. Right now he's on top but nothing lasts forever. Other fictitious issues I'd be worried about in our fictional story. Tate seems to have a temper..kept it under control but it peeked out..
      My other concern is he roiding. Which may contribute to sudden outburst of anger. I think the longer we get to know Tate well learn he has a mean streak..comes with beating up opponents..not saying he couldn't be a daisy he could be quite the hero.. ok maybe we just don't have enough info to make a solid call on Tate.
      So I'm going with Charlie's instincts on this and say tates not the one to woo her away. She didn't have to let him leave. On the flip side seemed reluctant to talk to Johnny about the harshness of tates sexing comments. I ll have to re-read it but seems she didn't tell him to stop saying that..guess she was caught up in the moment.
      Final thought. Johnny and charlie=love
      Tate and Charlie=hot terrific sex and good times.
      Could she fall out with Johnny and into with Tate it's possible but not over a weekend.

    13. 2B2H I too think it was kind of sweet that Tate wanted Charlie to think he was smart, ha ha. Maybe he can come back from this upset. I mean, he did get his head spun around by that Uke, and what happened there?...

    14. @KT - Thanks for playing along, I think you know I WANT to believe that Tate is a good person, and you're neither confirming nor denying that concept while this story is out in the ether during your break. There's enough to go on to go either way so why ruin a reader's fun, haha.

      @WA - I know what you're referring to, in terms of how her feelings towards Tate were explained to Jonny, but not everything that has come from Charlie's mouth seems to be entirely, to the letter, true. And the hips and stares at Tate don't lie, there's a connection that Charlie is either making with Tate or wanting from Tate, in my opinion. Maybe Charlie is learning to truly compartmentalize sex from romantic love making, but boy did the line blur between Tate and Charlie during this story. Also worth noting is she also may be learning how to compartmentalize how she talks about her experiences with other men, to Jonny.

      And to the people who want to believe that Tate is a flawed but ultimately decent person, then watch out Jonny (himself a flawed but decent person).

      Just as it is important never to ignore how Tate and Charlie came to become intimate (i.e. not of their own volition), it's important not to ignore how both feel about the experience with being with each other given the circumstances. Tate and Charlie's paths would have never crossed if it weren't for Reza, and there's no way Reza would have known Tater was going to choose a weekend with Charlie as a desired prize (or maybe he did, he is Reza after all). Charlie never thought a man that looked like Tate would have the hots for her, so a man like him was never on her radar, and to your point, probably still isn't. Not in the way I'm thinking, at least.

      But how many women have fallen in love with men at first sight? I'm sure a fair portion of them feel a tinge of disgust with them at some point too, based on how they act or carry themselves. Who knows if the L word is ever applicable in a world where men put other men in cages and wives are used as payment, but it's possible that Tate and Charlie make some hella good lemonade out of lemons ...

    15. I believe that Tate is a flawed by ultimately decent person. Given we don't know much about most of the cast except for Jonny and Charlie, he's probably the most decent person in the book. It's not much of a bar, though..

      Compartmentalizing sex and love is a great point to bring up. I think Charlie did that a long time ago with Reza. Maybe that's why I'm less inclined to think Tate is more than a boy toy, but who knows? There's plenty of story left for Tate to be a hero. But right now, yeah he's not.

  19. Anybody else wondering if reza has a camera in the apt. ?
    I think he doesn't have a camera but has hacked his computer and is using the PC camera to spy that's why sometimes he knows stuff and like not knowing that Tate didnt ground and pound charlie... sometimes the PC is off. I wonder if that urgent message wasn't about finding spyware in Johnny's files.

    1. It's very possible. I think Reza always knows what's going on either through audio or cameras. It's possible that Genesis knows pretty much everything that is going on between Charlie and Jonny and she relays information to Reza, etc.

    2. I'm really hoping there are no recording devices at all. Seems more Reza's style but I'm clinging to my idea that he's an evil genius and just knows what's going on because he knows! Unless caring about it doesn't suit him...heheheh.. The thing about recording devices is it implies that he's spending his time listening.. He'd definitely have his goons do the actual listening and have them relay the info. Just doesn't seem like he'd value that kind of effort.

      I mean..you mention Home Depot. I wonder how realistic the cage is supposed to be interpreted to the reader and maybe I'm just way off base and it's supposed to be a quirky fetishy thing that breaks the rules a bit, but if it's not... Holy crap, that's all Reza. Any reasonable person would be like "fuck my dick hurts, gonna grab the power tools" but Jonny and Charlie are basically subservient to Reza. Does Reza *really* need to spy on them at that point?

      Idk... what do you think?

    3. Yea i see your point and agree that reza has probably done this before and knows what's gonna go down. That Tate took a night off caught him off guard maybe he was thinking he didn't know Tate as well as he thought he did.

      Was thinking about the spyware stuff cuz shelabut was able to make an educated guess as to what was troubling Johnny just by observing his background on Skype.

      Charlie may have an opportunity to pit Tate against Reza.. or at least find out what Reza has on Tate. Imagine Charlie telling Reza she really likes Tate and wants to spend more time with him than with Reza. Then telling Tate how mean Reza was last night and how he means nothing to her.. itll be an interesting conclusion.
      I think Charlie was honest with Johnny about her feelings on Tate but if she was just trying to protect his feelings and really wants to be with Tate(man that's a hard one for me to think about). Idk where we go from there.

  20. Charlie got a black star tattoo at the crack of her sexy ass. Do you think there's any symbolism to the "star"? She could have gotten anything; a butterfly, a horoscope, a book, etc.. But she got a star. I was trying to think why should would choose that? And why on the crack of her ass?

    Where did she get the dildo? Did Reza buy it for her? Did she buy it herself? And its' a cock shaped dildo, not just a smooth one, and it's bigger than Jonny. More symbolism?

    KT is like, next level with all the subtle things going on in the background.

    1. KT the Emperor of Nuance.
      Genesis probably bought it for her..the coke and the weed was probably marco.
      They keep teasing Johnny with his many men she's fucked. But I wonder what the actual score is.. did she do more than what she said at the club or in the limo did reza pick her up from work and give her a work out with some dudes at the gym.. and someone else said it but she's so on the table for demetrius bout.

    2. @Lancer - absolutely stellar question, why a star? Is that the reason for the Kelis song?!? I am intrigued ...

    3. You think reza confiscates her dildo...? He said he wanted her hungry....

  21. DnD here, yet again!

    Well, I almost couldn't finish this book. Why? I guess I can't take the whole "wife slipping away" thing. Not that it's a huge revelation, but I've lived through it--albeit in a completely different context--so it grabs in ways that while I know aren't real, are still very uncomfortable. I don't know why. KT's writing does this to me from time to time.

    Charlie is evolving. It's interesting to read about that. She now bumps up, smokes pot, and has a tattoo--effectively a tramp stamp. Jonny is evolving, too. He accepts his wife's sexuality and seems to almost celebrate it. Maybe that's the way they stay together?

    There are a lot of undercurrents in this book. A lot.

    David and Daria

    1. Thanks, DnD!

      I like my books affecting you, but not if it's too personal. The Reza books are meant to be more fun! Ha ha, come on, Take me to your leader...?

      Reza's not like the Maggie books, I thought. Those were hard. Maggie, Learning Lessons, Cherry Blossoms, and Separate Schools are where I'm digging deep personally. I never really knew where they would go or how they would end. Then again, when I write the final Reza books who knows where I'll be emotionally. I'm a notorious basket-case and I may take it out on the characters...

    2. I kinda hope you dont... also hoping for better for seperate schools than the maggie series.

    3. Write where your muse takes you. Don't allow our emotional rides to influence where the characters think we should go. It's not fair to them, to you, or to us.

      Our lives would be less complete if you let our emotion control you. Which is exactly what sets you apart.

    4. Crazy KT is my absolute favorite kind of KT.

    5. DnD here...


      Well, now that I know... LOL! I'll laugh about it. :) Daria always gets on me about being too serious with these things. I mean, I took "Happy Endings" as being a bunch of Jersey Shore types until the last book. I thought it was funny until then. I dunno, it's kind of like I get wrapped up, you know?

      It's your fault and Daria's, too. Man, this is weird. Getting all bent out of shape because of reading erotica. What would my friends think? LOL!

      I'll get better. I promise!

      Hope you're having a great weekend!

      Dave (Daria's out spending too much money on shoes... again.)

  22. @DnD- Welcome to the group therapy session...
    This one was also a hard read for me from my past experiences. Why I torture myself so I do not Know.
    I agree with Johnny and Charlie staying together by using her new found sexuality and his love of it.
    Just wondering if KT is gonna throw us a curve ball
    In there...... I really love KTs curve balls.

    1. DnD, again.

      We don't read these stories to torture ourselves even though sometimes I get angry at a character or get bothered by events, torture sometimes happens, but then I stop. (KT's writing does that to me--I still haven't finished the last book in the Maggie series, but I've said I would--but that's a good thing because it shows brilliance.) My wife tells me it's quite funny to see me stomping around cursing a character's actions.

      It's in the context of my wife and I reading the books: To get a buzz. They're in a large part, very stimulating. Literary voyeurism, if you will. KT's writing is at the top of our preferences. Our preferences as a couple. I do like Kenny Wright's work immensely. His three part series is completely brilliant in my view and sometimes mirrored past events in our lives. But this is about KT, so I'll stop there.

      David and Daria

    2. Feel free to throw praise upon KW! He's a friend.

      What's the best KW book? The Training series?...

    3. I would like more kw books as well... loved the training series.

    4. Interesting DnD. Thank you for your input here, both of you. I really appreciate it. I love the insight. I think where I'm coming from (most of the time) is somewhere between where you guys do. I like the comradely :)

      But I do read this to torture myself, that's where we separate.

    5. And yes, Kenny Wright is brilliant is his own but he plays a safe version of this game that's respectable but also not so much, if you catch my meaning :)

    6. Of KW stuff I liked the joint story he did with KM
      "Because he's watching" 2 book series. Other favorite tales of non KT stuff
      Dave McManus "reluctant cuckold" And "Cuck storm horizon".
      Arnica Butler "A world class service"
      shalamara jaxx. "A shared wife stolen"
      And Sean Geist's
      "Things we do for lust"
      Spread in there some Ben Boswell, Mathew Lee, Max sebastian, and a smattering of lesser known writers who just missed the cut.

    7. @ DnD I'm with WA I enjoy the torture to much no chips and dip for me..i like chains and whips mentally speaking. Gosh if anyone hit me with a real crop I'd cry like a baby...lol.

    8. Of KW's work, like DnD mentions 'Because he's watching' is I think his most notable, but my personal favorite was 'Training to Love it' like you threw out there.

    9. DnD, yet again, DnDya--unix acronyms. I'm a nerd...

      KT, all,

      First, a little background. Daria and I didn't start reading erotic until mid-December 2017. We started with the Maggie books. An author who posts his stories on OHW, xleglover, mentioned KT Morrison as an inspiration and specifically the Maggie series, so we got it. (The first sex scene with Max in the wardrobe was insanely hot!) After that, we were hooked. As for me, I never looked at porn, read stories, or visited forums until events in my married life dictated that I needed to know more, so research was in order. Daria never read anything until I started posting on OHW in late July of 2017. I lurked there for a number of years, and registered in 2015. By the way, the most insane thread there is the "reeses" thread. That thread caused some headaches. I believe the people to be real, but some posts are written by one person given grammar, spelling, and general style. If you want to read insanity play itself out over a number of years, try that thread.

      "Training to Love it" is my favorite Kenny Wright series. The teasing Erin inflicted on Tom could have been Daria teasing me (something she still does from time to time). The series has some continuity flaws, but overall, it's my favorite. Then there's "Ian's Obsession" coupled with Kirsten McCurran's "Because He's Watching..." We actually read those books out loud in our motor home in August of this year, with me reading "Ian" and Daria reading "Because", chapter by chapter, alternating books.

      Much like my efforts to continue the saga of Tommy, Sukie, and Dio, because "Training" and "Hot Dates" are linked--some characters know each other--it seemed to be a natural progression to continue with Erin and Dana becoming confidants or more. That said, I wrote Ms. McCurran a few weeks ago to ask if anyone had that idea (I'm sure they had), but never heard back. That's okay. It's probably my fault as I never responded when she responded to my praise of "Gentrified".

      So, there you go.

      I swear, I'll start laughing more when we read the next book in the Reza series! I promise!

      I do think Charlie is becoming quite the little size queen and Jonny is eating up...will he eat it up, literally? I truly hope Jonny gets to rub Reza's nose in some farm arrogance at some point. Meanwhile, it's exciting to see Charlie transform. I envision her going out on dates while Jonny toils on the demo and later the final version of the game, dressed to kill, and being a party girl--something that's well underway given her pepensity for bumping up off male appendages, and coming back to torment Jonny.

      Sorry for the length!

      Dave (Daria's still out shopping!)

  23. I wonder what is going to be next on the menu? The Keeley or Open Hearts Open Minds...?

    1. I'm hoping for the next part of THIS series. I like the other works, but this is KT's best.

    2. Well honestly, I would like to see the Separate Schools book 2, but that's just my opinion.

    3. I should expand upon that. One of the reasons I have preferred this series, the Losing His Wife Series, Cherry Blossoms and Happy Endings over the Maggie Series, Separate School, potential Keely... is that those"hot wives" aren't really hot wives; they are girlfriends. And they are young. Along the lines of D and D and Anonymous' feedback, much of KT's writings his home because we possibly HAVE lived through some of these experiences as a married couple. And if not, we fantasize about being "Jonny" or "Geoff" or "Pete" (and even the husband in the Kenny Wright "Training" series). Don't get me wrong, i really like ALL of KT's works, she is the BEST, but there's a big difference between what Nia, Charlie, Sukie, and Jess are doing with their bull, to their husband, and within their marriage vs that of an inexperienced 18 year old HS girlfriend or a 20 year old college girl friend. It just becomes so much more "real" or relate-able or the next level of what you fantasize about after the sanctity of marriage has settled in. Again, not being critical by any means, just merely explaining my own personal preferences.

    4. Well I like separate schools for more than just the erotic elements. That's just me though.

    5. I'm on a break right now. Writing something else for a change of pace. But I'm also at the same time writing scenes with Harrison and Kay (love them!) and Max and Keely (my heart is soaring). I need to update my progress bar but I'm too tired to bust out a calculator RN.

      New stuff will be a few weeks away. I'm thinking Keely first because I want to release the Maggie series as a full and complete book, including paperback. If you've been around for a while you know my word isn't bond. Sorry.

      But have no fear, I'm also plotting the next Reza book, too!

    6. Thanks for the updates KT! Enjoy your much deserved break and we'll all count down the days until your next release, whatever it may be. In the meantime.... what do you guys think Reza is going to do to screw with Jonny's time next weekend with Charlie? ;)

    7. KT your heart is superhuman; I can't imagine keeping all that you do welled up inside. Your sacrifice isnt unnoticed! You're a beautiful person!!!

    8. Great point Lancer. People who have experienced marriage will feel more connected to a story that includes marriage, but just the same, a story that doesn't will connect more strongly to a person that hasn't.

      But why should that guide a story? :)

    9. A break is well DESERVED KT. You been pounding out stories pretty fast. So do your change up do some rest up
      We will all still be here pining for the next whatevers whether it's a week or a month or longer.

    10. The word "paperback" is usually cause for a one-man hallelujah chorus from me, though in the case of "Maggie," I already bought (and read, and loved) the individual paperbacks. So doubt I will be buying the complete collection (sorry, KT) -- BUT I'm assuming "Finding Keely" will get its own standalone hardcopy release, and I will of course snap that up.

      Also assume (hope, pray) that a collected paperback of "Happy Endings" will be along at some point, as well as "Reza" whenever it's finished. (Some of the hints I've picked up about Reza's content sound particularly interesting to me, and I can't wait to finally read it.)

      And thanks as always, KT, for your continued commitment to the paperback format. There are some writers in the genre who NEVER publish for anything but Kindle, and that makes me sad (and deprived). I honestly feel they're undervaluing themselves and their work by not taking the ready opportunity to give their efforts the tangibility and permanence of print publication. Ebooks are fine for many, I guess, but there's nothing like feeling the weight and solidity of, say, your massive "Cherry Blossoms" collection to reinforce physically what the contents themselves reflect: that this is a work of ambition and substance, to be read with attention and focus, not something ephemeral to be skimmed and forgotten, like a blog or a BuzzFeed list. To me, form helps communicate substance, and I approach words on paper very differently than I do words on a screen.

    11. I love Harrison and Kay and their potential as "will they won't they" friends (well they already did but you know what I mean)...and of course say no more about Max and Keely. I'm intensely curious about how that plays out (shocking I know lol)...I may have even dedicated a few pages in my mind to their first encounter. No, I'm not obsessed (yes, I'm totally, totally obsessed).

  24. Just in case, just so you guys know -- I love talking about this stuff! 2B=2H, John, D&D, Jeff B, Lancer, KT Morrison, THESE conversations are wonderful! Right or wrong, they're so much fun to talk about!

    What incredible topics to think about! We're all so convinced how correct we are and almost nothing will convince us otherwise! I can think of very few things worthy of such conversation.. Even if it's all for nothing.. Thanks guys :) Much love

    1. I second that.
      I may disagree on POV's but I respect all. We all hit that fork at sometime. But we never stop being fans of KTs work and love those wonderfully crafted charactors (yes that includes Tyler who I wouldn't mind seeing with a tattoo across his chest that's says "I'm with stoopid" then an arrow pointing down to his crotch.

    2. I third, and if it weren't for arguing I wouldn't internalize the story and put things into proper perspectives to make sure I am even understanding the story right. I like to think by talking it out I'm doing my part in helping others understand the story, too.

      It helps that there is a lot to go on though, right? Can any of us really do what we're doing with KT's stories with other authors you know about? Is there even enough to go on the worlds that others have created? I would argue, no, at least not enough of an intriguing world for me to desire to ruminate in it. No offense to the great writers in the genre, they just don't leave a lot to wonder about, and tend to resolve everything within paragraphs, if not by the end of the story. The level of insanity I have in this writing is directly proportional to the amount that I truly know (factually, that is) in a story. I think KT hates when Scooby and the gang take the mask off. It was so much more fun thinking it was just a mysterious monster!

      John - that shirt is fucking funny. I think KT should start selling those T-shirts as official KT Morrison merch ...

    3. Firstly I'd buy a dozen of those...
      Secondly your absolutely right about the other universes out there not being deep enough for all the possibilities and the subsequent discussions of them. The marvelous depth of characters we get to know. It draws us into her world. We can pick and choose who we like dislike. Most of the other. Stories consist of husband wife bull. Not very much to talk about..occasionally you get one with a cast of charactors that exceed expectations but for me that's far and few between..

    4. It's true...There's something very dissatisfying when the author just gives you a lump summary of the moral implications in a couple dozen words. Most of the time it's not necessary to see and when it is necessary, the timing is critical.

      The other stories..other worlds..some of them are brilliant situations! But they fuck up my first point and sour the parts that make them interesting. Then there's nothing to talk about because the story plays out like a fairy tale. Sometimes less is more.

    5. Maybe someday we'll stumble upon some crazy spiritual shit from having these arguments and start a new world religion

      I get to be in charge

    6. How can you be in charge when we would presumably be reading our bibles? Or maybe it's more likely we're reading our dianetics, KT is the prophet.

      Praise be to KT and the God of Infidelity boners.

  25. KT, when is one of your guys going to make enough to start flying private? Just think of the dirty fun you could have with Arnica Butler’s Brooke (A World Class Service) all the way to the Lithium mines of Zim.

    1. Or wherever Reza purchases his RPGs and anti-tank rockets.

  26. A little 'pregnancy risk fun' observation - anyone else notice how "is it safe?" is becoming a philosophical question? "Is it ever safe?"

    Next on the list, is "what is safe? Does it feel right what's happening to me? Maybe it's always safe then?"

    And then finally, "What's wrong with pregnancy? I mean when you really think about it ..."


    1. Yea I didn't see that coming
      At least not for this story..And Tate sure tried to plant one deep enough to make it happen..
      Is that part of tates plan if he can't win her over get her preggers and then force the issue. What would Reza think about that?
      Good catch 2b2h!

    2. Haha, mostly just having fun, but there's some half truths there aren't there?

    3. Yea a bunch of 'em.
      I used to think Tate was the guy to set everything straight he may still be..imagine Tate set up with a heavy contender he. Knows he can beat has the same option with, Charlie again. Reza bets heavy on him and he throws the fight because of something Charlie said or didn't say. Reza now got Larry moe and curly from Sicily looking for him.
      Tate runs off with Charlie for her "protection".
      Reza's last out is Johnny's game and has to bow down to him to get more of the action...its fun to think about the possibilities

  27. Ok so rezas coming home to bang the snot out of Charlie. Does he get Charlie to

    A) be to sore and tired to do anything with Johnny on their weekend.

    B) convince her it's in their (her and johnnys) best interest if he doesn't cum during their time together.

    C) convince Johnny he has to much work to do that opportunities come unexpectedly (shilmat shows up)

    D) Charlie finds out Tate is devastated by her rejection and in order to make him feel better she gives up her time with Johnny

    E) Reza informs them that the. Group from the trip is in NY and want to celebrate. Will Charlie come to the "party". She talks Johnny into letting her go it's a gang bang after all and a new experience.

    F) and my personal favorite Reza flies all of their families to NY for the weekend.. and they all stay in their apt.

    1. I think Tate is going to be mostly out of the picture in the next book. However I think that Reza is going to be good to his word and allow them to have their time together and then Jonny is going to wake up in the middle of the night after sex with his wife to find the bed next to him empty. He's going to go into the room and find Charlie and Reza fucking heavily.

    2. There is that..... after all that time not screwing her husband that when she does he's not gonna satisfy her at all.. he may give her up just because he can't. He's been with out for so long I wonder if he'll even get it up just orgasm soft like his previous cage. Or when he watched her with tate. So how long has he been locked up 2 weeks 3 month?

    3. Performance issues is it's own worst nightmare. The more stress you feel to perform the harder it is to perform ......typical deadmans dive. Jeff might be right Tate takes a backseat until Johnny asks him to...."please make my wife cum again?!"

    4. I predict KT is gonna throw a curve ball in the game development process... Something is going to get fucked up and Jonny will need further motivation to keep his eye on the ball.

      I think that's Tate. Reza recognized the chemistry, I think he'll keep using Tate to keep using Jonny. After he bangs the snot out of Charlie, i mean.

      Their "weekend" is definitely suspect..sorry Jonny..wrong genre.

    5. I could also see this story taking a leap into the future and we see Tate with a different woman and Charlie showing signs of hatred. Wouldn't be uncharacteristic and would be all the worse for it.. So basically exactly what we all want to read

    6. Reza kinda left her stranded before if he brings genesis into the game to "take care of johnny" who knows... I definetly am clueless about where KT will take us ...
      Will their weekend be a marvelous reconnecting revitalizing their love for one another pie eyed romantic moment or will Charlie tell Johnny she needs some alone time to think again and run to genesis, marco pole-oooh, and demetrius. IDK about you guys but I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if the car that is their marriage tips over the cliff or gets enough traction to pull back from it.

      Something to think about: the weekend is suppose to be Johnny and Charlie together without the device and influence from Reza... I'm trying to think exactly how shit is gonna go sideways and the only thing i can think of is she's too loose to enjoy and he's not big enough for her to enjoy. Or Reza gives her UTI or something never written about before. And she can't have sex..

      @wa I think your right about reza but I always thought Reza wanted Charlie for himself. Maybe that's why he appeared (to me anyway) mift that Tate hadn't done her when he texted Johnny.

      Like the jealousy angle another red head as hot as Charlie maybe with bigger boobs. She gets pissed and Johnny can't satisfy her gets even more frustrated runs to Reza for "comfort"

    7. I think that Reza is going to find all kinds of ways to get in Charlie and Jonny's heads. I believe the two are going to argue some, mostly Charlie sexually frustrated with her husband. Charlie is going to go 'out' for a very late night and Jonny is going to get suspicious. This will create a lot of tension between the two.

      Reza reveals to Jonny what she was doing that late night and they might have a falling out at this point. Just some thoughts.

    8. The more we discuss it, the more I fine tune my perverse opinions.

      Now I'm think that the only influence on their 60 hours will be Charlie herself. Kind of like the day after xmas or new years everyone is gassed out. And the weekend will fall flat they ll make love and reconnect but it will not have the same oomph it has before...the flavor will be bland and whether Charlie takes of or is sent off or they just binge watch twilight zone. They'll be glad for Monday morning and Reza's return.

  28. My prediction of what Johnny will be doing during his weekend with Charlie.


    1. Bahahaha, wtf John? Not what I was expecting and yet somehow still exactly what I was expecting.

    2. I forgot I had that in my playlist until it shuffled up.
      Can imagine reza bringing silver bells on a string for his cage..

    3. Ha! That's funny John C!

  29. INteresting predictions on what happens next weekend when Jonny gets released. I'll add mine! I actually don't think Jonny will have ANY problems getting hard. He got hard when Tate released him at the gym. I think he's going to be SO excited, he immediately gets hard and as soon as he and Charlie start making any physical contact his excitement "pops" and it is over. But... then he quickly recovers. He gets excited again, Charlie gets her hopes up again, only for his next encounter to be VERY short lived. Again. Then the performance problems settle in and he can't get hard. So they cuddle. Charlie is unfulfilled and after Jonny falls asleep, she seeks out either Tate or Reza (I keep going back and forth on who it will be) and BEGS them to satisfy her. Jonny wakes up, witness this, and NOW he can get hard. Charlie seems him watching her and they BOTH realize they need "this" in their life for sexual fulfillment.

    But here's the pregnancy twist I still see. Charlie isnt on the pill. She said she wasn't at risk the weekend she's with Tate. So the following weekend, she has to be at risk (right?). Reza/Tate cum inside her (over and over again as one of the two of them satisfy her like only they can) and that's when Jonny takes the next step on his cuckold journey and cleans her to stop her from getting pregnant. And then ... repeat, all the while Jonny plays with his "ding a ling", watching.

    1. The other option Johnny grabs her dildo and has to use that instead if his own ding-a-ling.

    2. Like your prediction better..

  30. Now that we are speculating idly about what perverted memes rattle around KT's brain, how about yet more idle speculation: What does Reza really do for a living? The gym and some rental condos don't really support his lifestyle. I see the choices as (a) arms running; (b) money laundering; (c) drugs; (d) supplying logistical support for Hezbollah in North America (e) assisting Israel (NB Shulamit) in the sabotaging of Iran's nuke development. Any combinations of a-e will work as well.

    KT knows the answer so she should respond only to taunt us, but what does the assembled intelligence of KTland think?


    1. He's definitely into something (illegal?) other than owning a gym that is funding his lifestyle, no doubt. My guess is Donkatsu is on to something, likely option (B) or (C) above. I think when the book resolves, his crime empire comes crumbling down. The question is, and this goes back to what he said in a previous book, he's "changed" Charlie. Even after his control over his gone, is what he has unleashed in her gone too? I think a resounding NO. That was evident in this book, when she CHOOSES to be with Tate (not forced) and when she BEGGED Reza ("daddy") to fuck her after she had been neglected. His control over her will be lifted, but her need for what he could give her won't be. That's what I predict. And where does Jonny fit into that? What will his role be? Can he accept that in her, knowing he can't fully satisfy her "new" needs?

    2. It be cool if Johnny hooked up with shulimit. I think that was a nice red herring tease .....or not.
      Reza idk he could just be another stupid rich fight promoter. Has a stable of successful fighters and makes money off of them.
      If he's doing any of the illicit stuff I don't think KT has had any of her bulls on the wrong side of the law that way so just playing averages. There's alot of if s here but if he is a gangsta. Than it's probably drugs and prostitution as well as real estate. Dude got bucks so maybe he dabbles in alot .

    3. I think Reza is in the black market actually and maybe originally thought of selling Charlie to someone and now wants her to himself. I have a theory about Shalmit and think she Reza is going to try and fool her into thinking that Jonny was cheating on her in a sense with Shalmit... Anyway isn't Reza Iraqi? So wouldn't by extension make him Shiat which means he would be no fan of Iran. Maybe Saudi which is always how I pictured Reza more akin towards. Although, he's not religious and actually may be the sort a religious nut would want to kill.

    4. While we are not sure about Reza’s businesses, they take him far and wide (Africa, Norway), hinting at one of the more exotic options. BTW, all the Rezas I have met were Iranian.

      John C. Raises an interesting point below that KT certainly teases out in her books. The wife starts out a bit reticent and becomes more and more lured into the financial, lifestyle, and size aspects of the bull’s insinuation into the couple’s lives. The Jills shift as John noted, so that at some point they are not necessarily choosing the husband first. They make their preferences known with dress, dialogue and decibels.

      One thing for certain, KT will do something with this crazy bunch that no one here has predicted.

    5. Yes because Reza is an Iranian name. However the Reza in this book is a Iraqi.

  31. Guys, its Shulamit, Like Don Shula and Mit Romney.

    Shu-la-mit, it's in writing you know, lol!

  32. I like this. At least the sex is good. More like this, please. Sometimes there's just way too much story, it feels overwrought and it gets in the way of the sex stuff. This is a nice balance. I am Team Tate.


  33. Wonder if reza (if he learns what Tates plans for Charlie were) now sees Tate as a competitor for charlie.
    Or if he knew already what Tate was planning to do was he planning on that busting up Johnny's weekend. Did he expect Charlie to fall for Tate?
    Like most bulls Reza cares 90% about the sex. But knows little about heart to heart loving. The little non-sexual intimacies that two love birds share.
    Money cant buy everything (but it sure helps grease the skids). That's kind of where I see Reza's plan failing. He can buy and he give orgassm after orgasm but he's not a loving dude. I guess it really all comes down to what value Charlie puts on loving versus sexing and money. Right now to me I'd say she's about a 60 loving 40 sexing. When we started this series probably like a 85 loving 15 sexing. Those numbers are officially determined only by my current state of mind..

  34. In the spirit of halloween:
    Reza- Count Dracula
    Charlie- Mina Harker
    Johnny - Jonathan Harker
    Sir Author Holmwood/Renefield
    Lucy westerna/Bride of Dracula
    Demetrius- Quincy P. Morris
    Van Helsing- either or both of Johnny's two programmers.

  35. DJ J here with some jams for club KT...

    Here's a dedication for charlie..

    For johnny...

    For tate ??from or to Charlie??

  36. Man I really can't stand Tate and will never be on his team. The sex between him and Charlie was especially hot and she seemed to love the idea of Jonny getting put in a chastity device by her lover. It got her motor running. I just don't see any future between them as she was most upset at the way he acted in the end. Maybe if Tate respected Charlie's wishes and not come between Jonny and her who she pretty much loves with all her heart.

    Now I know some were upset at Jonny for 'pimping' Charlie out. I didn't really see it this way as it seemed to me that it was Reza that was doing the pimping and he presented Jonny with an idea that gave him a false sense of choice. I think ultimately the key to keeping Charlie is to accept her appetites and win her respect.

  37. Begin:
    “What you just did to me…” Her
    eyes went wistful, her voice trailing off. “Wouldn’t you want that every night?” Charlie’s eyes widened, trailed slowly toward Jonny, then darted back to Tate’s cock. She ignored the question..."

    “We’ll come back here and do it.” “Thank you.” “But isn’t it better if you don’t see?” He shook his head no. “How’s your little guy doing?” She nudged her chin toward his crotch. “Not good. Not good at all.”

    “Every night, Charlie,” Tate grunted, pounding her. Charlie cried into her mouthful of bedding. “Every night you can have this…” The bedding fell from her mouth and a thin line of spit followed, spilling over her pouted lower lip. Tate said, “You hear me? Every night, Charlie,”—he steadied his stroke now—“you don’t have to work, I take care of you, we can have fun, you could be fucking safe.” She moaned, arched her back, whimpered, “I am safe.”

    “He can’t please you… Not like I can… You need a man, a man who
    can take care of you…” “I take care of her,” Jonny said, clenching his thighs together. Charlie closed her eyes tighter, sucked her lips into her mouth and bit them. She heard every word Tate said but resisted it. Those words would bounce around inside her pretty head until she was poisoned...."

    “Come for me, Charlie,” he said. “You come, I want… I want you to come…”

    “Come, Charlie,” Tate said, low and slow, drawing his organ out and pushing it back, giving her long, tip to base strokes that had her pussy crackling. “I came,” she gasped, “I came…”

    She said, “It’s late.” Tate repeated: “It’s only ten-thirty.” “I’m tired,” she said. “You don’t want to lay down with me? Come lay with me.” He patted the mattress. She said, “It’s late. I’m done. I’m sore, too sore to do anything.”...

    Now she leaned forward and put her arms around him. His heart soared and his temples beat hard with the rhythm of its pulse. “What’s that for?” he whispered. His hands went to her bare back, traced the soft feel of her cool skin. “We made it,” she whispered. “The weekend?” She nodded her chin in his collar. “We did,” he said,.....

    “I’m sorry he said those things, Jonny.” “You are?” “I like Tate. I really do.” “You do?” He took her bare shoulders and guided her to sit up so he could look in her eyes. She rolled them, mouth fidgeting. She said, “I thought he was nice, but he said all those mean things about you. What a jerk.” “You think he’s a jerk?” “He thinks he’s so great, but just like the other ones.” “The other guys?” “Mean in their hearts. He’s not the meanest, but he’s got it in him.” “He does, Charlie,” Jonny said. “He’s got that amazing body and that big dick but he’s kind of a… jerk.”

    Is Charlie full of hooey about her thinking Tate a jerk and really, believes Johnny a loser?
    she really think Tate an ass and Johnny her true love?

    1. Extremely well summarized John! I for one forgot to acknowledge that Tate is a benevolent sexist bordering on hostile. It changes my view on wanting Tate to win when he's saying shit about wanting Charlie never to work again. I think that's the only line I focused on, haha. Apparently the other forms of benevolent sexism,' the 'I'll protect you' and the 'you deserve better' comments were acceptable levels of sexism to me, lol ...

      To be fair to myself, women actually prefer benevolent sexism above male feminism, so ...

    2. @2b2h agree with your last statement on Sexism. I think women prefer it for us males to make the decisions so they can lord it over us the rest of days when shit goes sideways.

      I included the Part about Tate wanting her to cum because, she said she did but there was no evidence of that. She didn't even fake an orgasm she just said she had one. So what happend there..? Did his verbal smack down on Johnny kill her mood?

  38. The more I think about the more I'm convinced that their "weekend" is only to prove just how much they have changed and how much Charlie needs more..

  39. Jeff, I tend to agree with you that the key to keeping Charlie (in the future) is going to let her be with her well endowed lover. It might be Tate. It might be someone else. But Reza introduced her to a part of her a newfound need that she can't ignore any longer and that Charlie can't satisfy. However, I love how this book ended. It REALLY showed (to me) that Charlie knows what she wants; she wants her Jonny and she wants a big cock that makes her cum. She wants a bull that doesn't belittle her choice to stay with Jonny. She wants to talk naughty to her Jonny, but she doesn't want a bull that will do that if it's mean spirited. This book was all about Charlie's evolving as a hotwife, a wife, and a woman. She CHOSE to be with Tate because she craved his cock. She chose to get a tattoo. She is masturbating with a cock-shaped, lifelike dildo. She wants to take a hit of coke. All of these were her doing. Reza wasnt here to make her do any of this.

    In a way, she can thank Reza (I know, I know, he's such a bad guy) for opening her up to things that she would never have experienced otherwise. She's tried many things, some of them she really likes. Where this leads next and who she ends up with .... I can't wait to find out.

    1. Hopefully she's not doing drugs... Coke in particular can be a very horrible habit that will eventually kill. My thinking is she does some weed and other softer drugs, but stays clear from other drugs.

      I think that she might be given a choice to spend the weekend with Jonny or with him (Reza) with Jonny serving them at their whim or Jonny's week without chastity. Maybe the offer will have something more.

    2. I dont think she will be given a choice but rather she chooses to be with someone else and with Johnny's blessing.

    3. I really hate that idea completely and utterly. I want Jonny and Charlie to be together at the end.

    4. Me too. I hope Charlie chooses to be with Jonny. And Jonny chooses to let her be with a bull. And that Jonny chooses to let Charlie lock him up in a cage while she is with her bull. ;)

    5. @lancer kind of what I was trying to say...Charlie is in the driver seat. She gets to choose who what when where and which positions she wants to try. Johnny let's her as long as he gets to soul stare in her eyes as she's getting it.

      End result they re still together but changed.

    6. I get the feeling that Charlie owns Jonny's balls and cock and we'll soon see if Charlie wants Jonny out and wants to spend the whole week with Reza while Jonny has to focus on building the game as I predict that hell be dealing with difficulties.

    7. I'm waiting for the curve ball .... will a third party refocus Charlie to her true love.....? I think that's Johnny but what if (we should just call these blogs the whatif blogs) Reza sidelines Charlie for a new conquest or Tate is provided for by a nordic supermodel brought back by reza.. will jealousy and lack of 8+ inches of meat a night strain their relationship.? What will Charlie do to get some of that big Tater? Will she have to leave Johnny to get what she needs?
      Itll be about xmas before we find out I think ....

    8. Hey, that sounds like a very interesting idea! Maybe Jonny's friend Shilamut is the one that Reza brings back with him. Here is where I would be interested in is that not only does she capture Reza's affections but also Jonny finds himself drawn to her but as a friend. Charlie gets massively jealous of course but to Jonny's depression finds himself thinking she's jealous of Reza and this other woman.

      Another interesting take is that this Israeli is employed by Reza to fool Jonny and she gets an attack of conscious. Can't wait to see what happens in the next book which will be a little bit because I think Keely and Separate Schools book 2 will be coming out before the next Reza book.

  40. So Keeley will be the next book. Can't wait to read it when it finally comes out which will hopefully be in the next couple of months. I would like to see how the whole Keeley and Max thing works out and their relationship blossoming.

  41. Well I really enjoyed “High Stakes”! One point that I did not see others comment on was the scene with Tate when he has Charlie arch her back to tilt her uterus away so he can get deeper HOT! That huge effect on Charlie going where no man has gone before! It also overwhelms Jonny too! I’m wondering if she’ll try this technic with Reza next time? Reza seems to prefer taking Charlie doggy style anyway. It would surprise Reza and shock Jonny if she did.
    There has to be some form of retribution for all the crap Jonny has put Charlie through. What is it going to be? More tattoos, piercings, pregnancy, performance problems, etc. I like the idea of Charlie getting too loose for Jonny, this will be a reminder that bigger men have used his Charlie. Perhaps Charlie seeks advice from Genesis. Be interesting what her advice could be. Genesis is a bit of a wild card in the story is she the devil’s minion or one of his victims?
    Enjoy the whole pregnancy play. Is it or is it not safe? There have been a few studies showing that being intimate with a man or men can actually cause a woman to ovulate earlier than normal. It was looking into why the rhythm method has such a higher failure rate when all factor are removed. So, lots of deep kissing and unprotected intercourse can lead to ovulation timing being thrown off. Jonny’s has to be going through hell for days after Reza or Tate have seeded Charlie. After her weekend with Tate, Tate will still be with her on Tuesday or even Wednesday? Perhaps Jonny, worried Googles this, just to see really how safe it is? Will he share his research with Charlie or keep it to himself? Something has to tarnish his weekend with Charlie. It would be ironic if their weekend is in a definite unsafe time and they are forced to take care!
    A note on Reza Iraq or Iran doesn’t matter he must be from a Coptic Christian or Arminian family because he is uncircumcised! He can’t be Moslem or Jewish! But ether way I agree he must be into other things give his life style.

    1. Good input RCH, thanks for sharing your insight. I was going to comment about Tate's technique to go "deeper" as well because (something we haven't mentioned yet), guess what it made Charlie do? SQUIRT! Whoa. Didn't expect that. She seemed pretty surprised, but it also makes me wonder if she'll have Reza try that position and technique with her as well. Or maybe she tries it with her dildo when she is solo.

    2. Interesting point RCH.
      Welcome to KT's club house.

    3. Thank's John and Lancer. Not totally a newbe here made a few comments "Separate Schools". KT tells a good story and is very productive. Been going back and reading her older works. Just finished "Cherry Blossoms" great story too! When we were younger the wife and I started swing and then hot wifing. She had a young boyfriend(20) and she was in her early 50s at the time. So I have experience with this life style. What got me was a few day after I'd look at her and think that he is still with her.

    4. I loved Cherry Blossoms. What a heart wrenching tale with so much angst. I felt the most for the husband in that one as he had to deal the thought that his kid wasn't his. The wife made me feel a mix of love and hate as she was horribly manipulative.

    5. Yea cherry blossoms was my favorite KT story and for this genre my overall fav.
      The shocking beat down by Rockos wife the cliff hanger did they get squished by the car. All the angsty stuff the first time in the hotel...omg just soooooo loaded with cuckold gold.
      My favorite short toss up between "pool party" and "Natile cheats"
      But for the rest of KT's stories... well, as the saying goes. I wouldn't kick any of them out of bed.

      @ RCH
      ..lucky you...!

    6. I dunno about it being my favorite. I did enjoy the story but found I like a lot of others such as Reza and now Separate Schools more than Cherry Blossoms.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. The main downside of Cherry Blossoms is that the wife was unlikeable from what I can remember. Although I grew to care about her some, I felt she always acted selfishly.

  42. Possible spoiler "Cherry Blossoms"
    Yes, makes you wonder if there hadn't been the question of who was Odele father would the couple have continued with the two brothers? Geoff seemed to be settling in quite nicely into the whole thing until the truth was reveled about Nia and Dino and the Question of Odele's father. It is my experience that Nia always loved Geoff and would never leave him. He left because he felt betrayed. I think things would have continued with Dino at least. Dino being married and having a family makes it complicated too. I suppose that at a later time Geoff may want ot open up the possibility again he got off on it and was finding his peace with the sharing Nia. Going to look into some the other older KT stories too.
    I enjoy the interracial aspect of the Land Lord Series grew up with a mother from the Southern part of the US with all the racial biases that came with it. It's Her love of the old trashy "Plantation Novels" that got me started reading erotica in the first place. These books weren't very explicated, but enough to get a young boy worked up! The usual stuff the frustrated lady of the plantation left alone in her bedroom while the husband entertains his bed wench in his bedroom. She out of spite and loneliness decides to taste the dark flesh of a strapping field hand. There is always drama and consequences that follow. Some will over react I'm not glorifying slavery and all it's horrors but relationships both willing and unwilling did happen between WMBW&WWBM it the taboo of it that makes it exciting.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. He left because the thought of the kid not being his own was incredibly difficult to deal with. The betrayal became way too much.

  43. So let me pose this question to the KT Cuck Club ... which scene within the Reza series has been the most erotic to you / turned you on the most? There are 2 that really stand out to me:

    1- When Charlie and Reza returned from their Caribbean trip after Charlie was denied sex on the trip. Reza sending those pictures, Jonny not knowing what really was happening. and that culminating with Charlie asking Jonny to put the head phones on. Then she BEGGED Reza to fuck her, telling him how much she needed it, calling him daddy.

    2- The scene when Jonny finally got released but wasn't allowed to have sex with Charlie. Instead Reza fucked her from behind while on top of Jonny and Jonny guided Reza in. Then Reza fucked her with Charlie "pretending" it was Jonny.

    And maybe the hottest "non sex" scene for me was when Reza took Charlie and Jonny shopping before their trip. Charlie had to try on all those clothes in front of the sales clerks, then went back into the dressing room, gave Reza a BJ, returned and was forced to kiss Jonny with cum on her shirt. All of this happening with the sales clerks knowing Charlie was married to Jonny.

    Which scenes have been your favorites?

    1. It's hard to narrow down because there are so many. It was an incredibly hot scene in a lot of ways because Jonny knew at this point that he couldn't give her what she craved. This is also all recent memory as we have a lot of books and scenes that I remember being incredibly hot. In the first book when she cums on Reza's cock that was simply incredible.

      I'm not sure whether I am with you on the shopping trip. I found myself feeling a little sorry for Jonny especially when Reza told her that Jonny wasn't worthy of her. If anything I think Reza isn't worthy of Charlie. Money isn't everything and although some will argue with me on this, I think Reza has yet to show anything good about him.

    2. From "Rezas Game"
      “You’re such an asshole.” Reza laughed. “You don’t know her like I know her. She’s a slut, and she’s looking to blossom. Those pink little petals want to open up.” Jonny watched as Reza held his two hands together in closed fists and he gradually extended his fingers, imitating Charlie’s vagina opening up for other men. The baseball bat was under the chair, only a dozen feet away and his mind leapt to it, flashed him a picture of itself, its steely weight resting on the hardwood. “I fucking hate you,” he said. “You should, Jonny, you should. Even if, miracle of all miracles, you get your wife back from me, I will have changed her.” “No.” “Oh yes, Jonny. If you can manage to win her back, you’re going to have a woman you will never, ever, ever manage to please. You’ll never fulfill her like I fulfill her. Even with ten million in the bank, little Jonny, you won’t have what it takes to scratch Charlie’s deepest itch. It’s me giving her that tickle, Jonny. It’s me putting that desire in her that you could never meet.” “You’re wrong.” “You can act confident, Jonny, but I can see through it. I know in your heart you see the truth.” Now he leaned forward and gripped Jonny’s knee. “Your little wife took some blow, but I think she smoked weed all day when I was in business meetings. Now that’s a depressed wife, smoking rope all day, all alone. She’s got stuff she wants to escape. I think she was so baked the coke didn’t work on her. Once those men ......."
      I liked this slightly better than the scene with Charlie playing with genesis clit piercing and Reza promising to get her one with a diamond.

    3. You know actually the most favorite non-sex erotic part was when Charlie locks her husbands cock away. Not sure why but it turned me on big time.

    4. @John C - this was definitely a highlight, no doubt. And how hot would it be if she got her clit pierced for Reza as well?

      @ Jeff B - it ALWAYS turns me on when she locks Jonny up as well. And then makes him watch. And listen.

    5. when it first happens in Reza's Game was really hot. I like how she gets impatient with Jonny and thus somewhat dominates her husband.

    6. @lancer makes you wonder about the star tattoo. Maybe one of Rezas personal logos. Is that on his business cards?

  44. I would have to say that it's those times when some line is crossed the first BJ, the first intercourse, the first creampie, the Tattoo, when Charlie realizes she is have less trouble taking Resa big cock etc. These all represent milestones that can't be revisited back, something lost. It's a moving target. Charlie and Jonny both think they can recover from this go back to the way thing were. Just like a tattoo is is forever so is the changes that are happening to Charlie's vagina as she regularly and repeatedly takes in those large cocks.
    I can attest to that happening. My wife had a regular love over the course of 3-4 months they would get together every one or two weeks, he was pretty long and at the beginning she had one complaint (she is a tiny lady) his length was uncomfortable. this was a problem until he (early 20s) decided to join the navy. He was all scheduled to go but there was a delay in his ship out time to boot camp it was pushed back over a month. he had already give up his apartment when I heard this I told my wife ask if he would like to stay with us. He did and that month+ My wife was serviced 2-3 times a day. He didn't what to be watched so he got her during the day 1-2 times and at least once every night before they went to bed. I work very early so I would hit the bed early she would wake me up for sloppy seconds latter. I spied on them a couple of times and she slept all night with him a couple of nights. The point of this is that after the first couple of week it stopped being uncomfortable for her lengthwise. You get very familiar with each others body parts after being together for 30+ years there was a permanent change in the position of her cervix in the past I could always touch her cervix with my fingers (she is tiny!) with ease. After that month+ of continuous deep penetration she had deepened to accommodate him. Still after quite a few years have passed I still have trouble reaching her cervix with my fingers. I'm fatter than average and a bit shorter than average as far as penises go. He was 8+ and average width. Wife has had bigger cocks from time to time but it was only after that daily long term pounding that I noticed any permanent changes. No BS here this is a true story!
    Sorry to be so long winded

  45. Hi, new here. I have a quick observation: anyone else think something’s up with the game? Shulamit found a flaw in Javed’s coding that Jonny missed. She dealt with it directly so we don’t know how it resolved itself. It’s not like Reza to leave a whole aspect of Jonny’s business uncontrollable- so maybe Javed is his inside man...?

    1. Whoa, that's a great twist! Welcome, Dan!

    2. Thanks TBTH. I’ve lurked for a while... Seems to be the perfect way for Reza to delay things. Imagine poor Jonny thinking he’d finally made it only to have the rug torn from under him.

    3. Welcome to the club house dan!
      KT is really good at the mysterious stuff. We also have that "urgent message" that has to be dealt with.
      Always seems to be another shoe that needs dropping.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I loved all the hints at this story prior to release.
    Metallica, Kelis, the gif of the sexy pale redhead.

    It all fell into place while reading.

  48. The urgent message from ( Javid?)
    Could that be about some problem with shulimet stealing Johnny's program? Or finding a bug planted by a reza operative? Either way the program goes bust and reza continues to own the couple

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Wow looks like Separate Schools book two is tied with Keely. Can't wait to see both come out.

  51. All things said KT is a hard working writer! to turn out the volume of work and quality.

    1. It's almost like KT has a tree full of horny elves and dryads helping stitch these stories together....

      And as much as I appreciate the volume, quality and regularity of the work...I'm still looking for the next one like it's the last glass of water on the planet....

  52. Wow what is that Surprise Book? About Sea Pirates?

  53. No Jeff B your wrong it's not about Sea Pirates with a title "Coming Soon" it must be about a guy with a premature ejaculation problem! Maybe he is a Pirate with that problem...?

    1. Haha

      Come about! Come about! Man the cannons, man the canno... blimey ...

  54. I was thinking it was going to be that Size Curious Brat book 2 that KT said she was going to make...


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